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VM01-573 Design and Simulation of Wearable Antennas for Healthcare (9798369389591)
  Vinod Kumar Singh/ IGI97989591/ Price:US$ 260.00
Wearable antennas have gained significant attention in recent years due to their potential applications in healthcare and internet of things (IoT). These antennas are designed to be integrated into wearable devices such as smartwatches, fitness trackers, and medical sensors, allowing them to communicate wirelessly with other devices. These technologies can be used to provide real-time data and feedback on a variety of physiological and environmental parameters, which can be used to improve health outcomes, increase efficiency in various industries, and promote overall well-being. Design and Simulation of Wearable Antennas for Healthcare explores various aspects of wearable antenna technology, with a focus on their design and simulation. The book delves into the innovative concepts of energy-harvesting antennas, which can power wearable devices using energy from the environment or the human body, eliminating the need for external batteries. Covering topics such as mobile health systems, healthcare devices, and human-centric networking, this book is an essential resource for academicians, graduate and postgraduate students, scientists, industry professionals, medical professionals, researchers, and more. Coverage: The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to: ¡EBiotelemetry ¡EDual Notch Circle Slotted Jeans Antenna ¡EFabric Substrate ¡EFlexible Perovskite Solar Cells ¡EHealth Care Monitoring ¡EHealthcare Devices ¡EHuman-Centric Networking ¡EMobile Health Systems ¡ETelemedicine ¡ETextile Antenna ¡ETraffic Classification ¡EUltra Compact Square Slotted Flexible Antenna ¡EWearable Antennas ¡EWide Band Application ¡EWi-Fi Enabled Textile
VF09-43 Global Impacts of Micro- and Nano-Plastic Pollution (9798369351383)
  Nisha Gaur/ IGI97951383/ Price:US$ 270.00
Book Cover Global Impacts of Micro- and Nano-Plastic Pollution meticulously tackles the multifaceted challenges posed by plastic pollution in our global ecosystems. Authored by esteemed experts in the field, this book offers a holistic analysis of micro-plastics and nano-plastics, providing readers with invaluable insights into their characterization, sources, and fate in the environment. Through comprehensive case studies and cutting-edge research, readers will gain a deeper understanding of the adverse effects of broken-down plastics pollution on soil health, plant biology, and overall ecological balance. Designed as a definitive resource for environmental researchers, policymakers, and students, this book not only highlights the severity of the issue but also offers tangible solutions for mitigation and prevention. From exploring remediation strategies to analyzing the role of nanobiotechnology in pollution prevention, this book equips readers with the knowledge and tools needed to address this urgent environmental challenge. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and providing evidence-based insights, this book serves as a beacon of hope in the quest for a cleaner, more sustainable future. Coverage: The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to: ¡EAquatic System Contamination ¡EClimate Change Implications ¡EDetection and Monitoring Methods ¡EEcological Imbalances ¡EEnvironmental Hazards ¡EGlobal Pollution Status ¡EGut Microbiome Alterations ¡EHealth Hazards ¡EMulti-Drug Resistance Emergence ¡ENanobiotechnology Solutions ¡EPlant Stress Management ¡EPlastic Debris Accumulation ¡EPlastic Pollution Policies ¡ESoil Biological Alterations ¡ESoil Nutrient Cycling Effects
VF02-122 Design, Fabrication, and Significance of Advanced Nanostructured Materials (9798369353219)
  Laxman Singh/ IGI97953219/ Price:US$ 270.00
Book Cover Nanostructured materials are revolutionizing various industries with their unique properties. Yet, researchers and practitioners need help accessing comprehensive and up-to-date literature on their synthesis, characterization, and applications. Existing books often focus narrowly on synthesis methods, overlooking critical aspects such as design, spectroscopic characterization techniques, and diverse applications in electronics, optoelectronics, biomedical devices, and more. This gap in the literature leaves academics, researchers, and industrial scientists needing a comprehensive resource to address their pressing questions and needs in the field. Design, Fabrication, and Significance of Advanced Nanostructured Materials bridges this gap by offering a holistic approach to understanding these materials. It provides in-depth coverage of the latest synthetic approaches, spectroscopic characterization techniques, and advanced applications in various fields. With ten chapters covering a wide range of topics, from the basics of nanostructured materials to advanced fabrication techniques, this book serves as a one-stop resource for anyone looking to delve into this exciting field. This book aims to empower researchers and industrialists with the knowledge to innovate and advance in their fields by providing clear explanations and solutions to critical questions surrounding nanostructured materials. Coverage: The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to: ¡EAdvanced Synthesis Techniques ¡EAuto Combustion Synthesis ¡EBiogenic Synthesis ¡EBiomaterials ¡EChemical Vapor Deposition ¡EDrug Delivery ¡EEnergy Storage ¡EFast Fabrication ¡EGene Delivery ¡EMicrowave Synthesis ¡ENano-Composite Materials ¡ENanostructured Materials ¡EPhysical Vapor Deposition ¡ESpectroscopic Techniques ¡ESynthesis
VF02-121 Tools, Techniques, and Advancements in Engineering Materials Science (9798369355145)
  Ajay Kumar/ IGI97955145/ Price:US$ 170.00
Tools, Techniques, and Advancements in Engineering Materials Science addresses the critical issue of depleting non-renewable resources and the disruption of natural equilibrium due to industrial and consumer demands. It highlights the necessity for pollution-free environments, reduction of hazardous industrial waste, a shift towards green production, and a decrease in the use of fossil fuels to reduce atmospheric carbon levels. To meet these demands, the book explores the use of engineering materials such as polymers, metals, ceramics, composites, and biomaterials. These materials are heralded for their renewability, biodegradability, cost-effectiveness, chemical and mechanical resistance, and biocompatibility, making them suitable for various applications in medical, pharmaceutical, electronics, and other engineering fields. It details the development and design of environmentally responsible materials by scientists and engineers and provides a comprehensive overview of a wide array of engineering materials, including smart materials, functionally graded materials, carbon materials, nanomaterials, and energy storage materials. Furthermore, the book delves into the more intricate aspects of these materials, covering topics such as material characterization techniques, the role of artificial intelligence, Industry 4.0, nature-inspired algorithms, and various computational and simulation approaches. These crucial areas of study will help experts to maintain the sustainability of engineering materials and optimize their applications across various sectors, creating a positive outlook for a more sustainable and solution-based future.
VE01-100 Effective Techniques for Bioinformatic Exploration (9798369366493)
  Paulo Fazendeiro/ IGI97966493/ Price:US$ 180.00
Book Cover The field of biology and technology is constantly changing and growing. However, the abundance and intricacy of biological data present significant challenges for researchers, educators, and students. Deciphering this vast sea of information to extract meaningful insights can be difficult. Traditional approaches often fail to provide comprehensive solutions to these intricate problems, leaving many struggling to navigate the complexities of bioinformatics. Effective Techniques for Bioinformatic Exploration brings new clarity to the world of bioinformatics, offering a comprehensive solution to the challenges scholars face. Through its meticulously crafted chapters, this book provides a structured approach to understanding and applying bioinformatics principles. Bridging the gap between theory and practice equips readers with the tools needed to tackle complex biological problems effectively. Whether delving into genomics, proteomics, or machine learning models, this book offers a roadmap for success. This book empowers readers to overcome challenges and make meaningful contributions to the field by embracing the scientific method and showcasing the practical application of bioinformatics techniques. Coverage: The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to: ¡EAlignments ¡EBest Practices for Validating in Silico Approaches ¡EBioinformatics ¡EDeep Learning ¡EDocking and Molecular Dynamics ¡EGenomics ¡EImage Processing ¡EIntegration of Databases ¡EInteratomic ¡ELatent Information ¡EMachine Learning Models ¡EMetabolomics ¡ENatural Language Processing ¡EPhylogenetics ¡EProteomics
VD05-1424 Scalable Modeling and Efficient Management of IoT Applications (9798369347706)
  Dharmendra Singh Rajput/ IGI97947706/ Price:US$ 210.00
Book Cover To tackle these challenges, Scalable Modeling and Efficient Management of IoT Applications emerges as a valuable resource, offering a multitude of effective solutions to address these concerns. This is a book that was meticulously crafted to empower scholars with the knowledge and tools they need. By tackling the scarcity of guidance on intelligent modeling techniques, the book equips readers with a profound understanding of the fundamental concepts, algorithms, and methodologies crucial for designing and managing intelligent IoT systems. Furthermore, the book extends its guiding hand to conquer the complex terrain of managing IoT applications. It offers practical insights, strategies, and real-world case studies, providing scholars with the means to tackle implementation challenges encompassing scalability, interoperability, security, and data management. Rather than merely addressing existing challenges, the book also ensures that scholars remain at the forefront of IoT knowledge, offering insights into the latest research trends and emerging technologies. Scalable Modeling and Efficient Management of IoT Applications is the compass that academic scholars need, helping them navigate the complexities of IoT and bridging the gap between theory and practical implementation. Coverage: The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to: ¡EAcademia ¡EComplex Challenges ¡EComprehensive Solutions ¡EImplementation ¡EIntelligent Models ¡EInternet of Things ¡EManagement Strategies ¡EModeling Techniques ¡EReal-world Applications ¡EResearch Trends ¡EScalability ¡ETechnological Landscape
VD05-1423 Advancing Cyber Security Through Quantum Cryptography (9798369359624)
  Nirbhay Kumar Chaubey/ IGI97959624/ Price:US$ 215.00
Book Cover With the increasing power of computing, cybersecurity faces mounting threats, making digital systems more vulnerable to attacks. While modern cryptography used to be compelling, it now shows vulnerabilities against rapidly growing computational capabilities. Therefore, robust security solutions have become urgent in this precarious landscape. Advancing Cyber Security Through Quantum Cryptography is a book that can guide us through the turbulent waters of cybersecurity and quantum cryptography. It offers a panoramic view of current affairs, insightful analyses, illuminating case studies, and meticulous exploration of challenges and opportunities. Through this book, readers can gain knowledge and navigate this complex terrain. It delves into critical areas where quantum cryptography can fortify cybersecurity defenses, such as secure communications, e-commerce, and quantum internet. This book is not just an indispensable resource, but a catalyst for collaboration and innovation. It guides cybersecurity experts, policymakers, scholars, and practitioners grappling with the intricacies of cyber-physical systems and quantum computing. By shedding light on existing vulnerabilities, it illuminates the path towards a more secure digital future. By fostering collaboration and innovation, it empowers readers to confront the challenges posed by quantum computing head-on, ensuring that they remain at the vanguard of cybersecurity in an ever-evolving technological landscape. Coverage: The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to: ¡EBlockchain Security ¡ECyber-Attack Detection ¡ECybersecurity Architecture ¡ECyber-Threat Intelligence ¡EDistributed Systems Security ¡EEdge Computing Security ¡EForensics ¡EIoT Security ¡EQuantum Computing ¡EQuantum Cryptography ¡EQuantum E-Commerce ¡EQuantum Hacking ¡EQuantum Internet ¡EQuantum Network ¡ESoftware Defined Networks (SDN) Security
VD05-1422 Generative AI for Web Engineering Models (9798369351369)
  Imdad Ali Shah/ IGI97951369/ Price:US$ 360.00
Book Cover Web engineering faces a pressing challenge in keeping pace with the rapidly evolving digital landscape. Developing, designing, testing, and maintaining web-based systems and applications require innovative approaches to meet the growing demands of users and businesses. Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges as a transformative solution, offering advanced capabilities to enhance web engineering models and methodologies. This book presents a timely exploration of how Generative AI can revolutionize the web engineering discipline, providing insights into future challenges and societal impacts. Generative AI for Web Engineering Models offers a comprehensive examination of integrating AI-driven generative approaches into web engineering practices. It delves into methodologies, models, and the transformative impact of Generative AI on web-based systems and applications. By addressing topics such as web browser technologies, website scalability, security, and the integration of Machine Learning, this book provides a roadmap for researchers, scientists, postgraduate students, and AI enthusiasts interested in the intersection of AI and web engineering. Through insightful analysis and real-world examples, this book equips readers with the knowledge and tools to navigate the complexities of web engineering in the AI era. It offers practical strategies for leveraging Generative AI to develop more efficient, scalable, and secure web-based solutions. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, Generative AI for Web Engineering Models is a valuable resource for those seeking to stay at the forefront of web technology. Coverage: The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to: ¡ECode Generation ¡EMeb ML ¡ENature Language Processing (NLP) ¡ESecurity ¡EUML Web Application Extension ¡EUML-Based Web Engineering ¡EWeb Applications ¡EWeb Architect ¡EWeb-Browser ¡EWebsite Scalability ¡EWebsites Scaling
VD05-1421 AI Developments for Industrial Robotics and Intelligent Drones (9798369348796)
  Brij B. Gupta/ IGI97948796/ Price:US$ 245.00
In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, industries increasingly turn to industrial robots and intelligent drones to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. However, the complexity of these smart devices, coupled with the need for seamless integration of machine learning, AI, robotics, and deep learning technologies, poses significant challenges for researchers and practitioners alike. As a result, there is a growing demand for comprehensive resources that explore the latest advancements in these fields and provide practical insights and solutions for effectively leveraging these technologies. AI Developments for Industrial Robotics and Intelligent Drones addresses this pressing need by offering a detailed and insightful examination of the key technologies driving the development of industrial robots and intelligent drones. By compiling the latest research and developments in the field, this book serves as a comprehensive guide for researchers, scholars, and professionals seeking to understand and harness the full potential of these technologies. Coverage: The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to: ¡ECollision Detection ¡EDrone-Based Surveillance ¡EDrones and Smart City Traffic Monitoring ¡EFault Detection in Robotic Arms ¡EIndustrial Robots ¡EIntelligent Drones ¡EInternet of Robotic Things (IoRT) ¡EInternet of Underwater Things ¡EMulti-Robot Control ¡EProgramming of Industrial Robots and Intelligent Drones ¡ERobotic Control Systems ¡ESecurity of Industrial Robots and Drones ¡ESensors for Robots ¡ESmart Agriculture Using Intelligent Drones ¡EThe Roles of AI/ML and IoT in Robotic Applications ¡EWireless Networks for Industrial Automation-Factory Automation
VD05-1420 Machine Learning for Environmental Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks (9798369351659)
  Parikshit N. Mahalle/ IGI97951659/ Price:US$ 275.00
Book Cover Machine Learning for Environmental Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks offers a comprehensive solution to the limitations of traditional environmental monitoring methods. By harnessing the power of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and advanced machine learning algorithms, this book presents a novel approach to ecological monitoring that enables real-time, high-resolution data collection and analysis. By integrating WSNs and machine learning, environmental stakeholders can gain deeper insights into complex ecological processes, allowing for more informed decision-making and proactive management of natural resources. Key features of the book include an in-depth exploration of the principles, methodologies, and applications of WSNs and machine learning in environmental monitoring, real-world case studies and projects illustrating successful implementations, and a discussion on energy-efficient strategies for optimizing the sustainability of WSN deployments. Emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary collaborations among environmental scientists, engineers, data scientists, policymakers, and other stakeholders to foster innovative solutions for sustainable ecological monitoring. This book, tailored for researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and environmental enthusiasts, is an invaluable resource for leveraging cutting-edge technologies to address environmental monitoring and conservation challenges. Coverage: The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to: ¡EAgriculture ¡EAir Quality ¡EBiodiversity ¡EClimate Change ¡EData Collection Methods and Tools ¡EEnergy Efficiency ¡EEnvironmental Monitoring ¡EMachine Learning ¡ERemote Sensing ¡ESecurity ¡ESensor Networks ¡ESustainability ¡EWater Resources ¡EWildlife Monitoring


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