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Products List
SC09-517 Artificial Intelligence and the City: Urbanistic Perspectives on AI
  Federico Cugurullo/ 9781032431468/ Price:GBP 35.99
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SC09-517 Rethinking Parking: Planning and Urban Design Perspectives
  David Mepham/ 9781032411491/ Price:GBP 31.99
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SC09-516 Smart City Blueprint: Framework, Technology, Platform
  Tan Yigitcanlar/ 9781032517162/ Price:GBP 44.99
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Advancing Health Rights Through Community Development and Participatory Praxis
  Neil Quinn/ 9781447361404/ Price:GBP 26.99
Advancing Health Rights Through Community Development and Participatory Praxis
  Neil Quinn/ 9781447361398/ Price:GBP 79.99
Providing Public Space in a Contemporary Metropolis: Dilemmas and Lessons from London and Hong Kong
  Claudio de Magalhaes/ 9781447358855/ Price:GBP 80.00
Increasingly, public space provision and management are being transferred from the public sector to real estate developers, private sector organisations, voluntary groups and community bodies. Contrasting the more historical, horizontal character of London with the intense street life of high-rise Hong Kong, this book tells the story of the two cities¡¦ relationships with non-traditional forms of public space governance. The authors consider the implications for the ¡¥publicness¡¦ of these complex spaces and the challenges and impacts that different forms of provision have on those with a stake in them, and on the cities as a whole.
SC09-516 Smart Cities in Europe and Asia: Urban Planning and Management for a Sustainable Future
  Prana Krishna Biswas/ 9781032429823/ Price:GBP 130.00
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SC09-516 Urban Planning and Real Estate Transformations for the Future: A Built Environment Bricolage
  John Ratcliffe/ 9781032410890/ Price:GBP 34.99
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SC09-514 Smart City 2.0: Strategies and Innovations for City Development
  Deog-Seong Oh/ 9789811257179/ Price:US$ 148.00
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SC09-514 Planning, Sustainable Urbanisation and the Commonwealth: The Commonwealth Association of Planners, Past, Present and Future
  Cliff Hague/ 9781032414027/ Price:GBP 35.99
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SC09-514 Property, Planning and Protest: The Contentious Politics of Housing Supply
  Quintin Bradley/ 9781032206363/ Price:GBP 34.99
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SC09-514 Unsettled Urban Spaces: Routines, Temporalities and Contestations
  Tihomir Viderman/ 9780367258603/ Price:GBP 34.99
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Beyond Neighbourhood Planning: Knowledge, Care, Legitimacy
  Andy Yuille/ 9781447362845/ Price:GBP 26.99
The past three decades have seen an international ¡¥turn to participation¡¦ ¡V letting those who will be affected by neighbourhood planning outcomes play an active role in decision-making ¡V but there is widespread dissatisfaction with actual instances of citizen-state engagement. This innovative analysis brings theory, research and practice together and gives insights into how and why citizen voices either become effective or get excluded. Using ethnographic data to illustrate a wide range of participatory and localist governance practices and social movements, the book concludes with recommendations to re-invigorate community involvement in planning.
Beyond Neighbourhood Planning: Knowledge, Care, Legitimacy
  Andy Yuille/ 9781447362838/ Price:GBP 85.99
The Short Guide to Town and Country Planning
  Adam Sheppard/ 9781447369813/ Price:GBP 14.99
The fully updated Short Guide to Town and Country Planning provides an concise introductory overview of the practice of planning for those with little or no prior knowledge. This second edition considers who planners are and what they do, showing how planning - as an art, science and system - has evolved as an organised action of the state. The book discusses the planning system, processes, legal constructs and approaches, taking into account the recent regulatory changes within the UK nations. Restructured to improve readability, it explores the interactions of government and society with the planning system, and the relationship between urban planning, the environment, and placemaking.
Planning in a Failing State: Reforming Spatial Governance in England
  Olivier Sykes/ 9781447365044/ Price:GBP 85.99
Book Cover This topical, edited collection analyses the state of the planning system in England and offers a robust, evidence-based review of over a decade of change since the Conservatives came into power. With a critique of ongoing planning reforms by the UK government, the book argues that the planning system is often blamed for a range of issues caused by ineffective policymaking by government. Including chapters on housing, localism, design, zoning, and the consequences of Brexit for environmental planning, the contributors unpick a complicated set of recent reforms and counter the claims of the think-tank-led assault on democratic planning.
Private Renting in the Advanced Economies: Growth and Change in a Financialised World
  Peter A. Kemp/ 9781447362081/ Price:GBP 85.00
Book Cover The private rental housing market plays an important and growing role in the advanced economies. Providing accommodation for a wider range of households than before the global financial crisis, rental housing is also a key asset class for private individuals and companies, while the rise of Airbnb lettings has pushed up rents and reduced the number of homes available to residents. This edited collection by leading experts in the field analyses recent changes in the private rental market, using case studies from the UK, Europe, Australia and the USA, and assesses the initial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Research Anthology on BIM and Digital Twins in Smart Cities
  Information Resources Management Association/ 9781668475485/ Price:US$ 485.00
Book Cover In recent years, smart cities have been an emerging area of interest across the world. Due to this, numerous technologies and tools, such as building information modeling (BIM) and digital twins, have been developed to help achieve smart cities. To ensure research is continuously up to date and new technologies are considered within the field, further study is required. The Research Anthology on BIM and Digital Twins in Smart Cities considers the uses, challenges, and opportunities of BIM and digital twins within smart cities. Covering key topics such as data, design, urban areas, technology, and sustainability, this major reference work is ideal for industry professionals, government officials, computer scientists, policymakers, researchers, scholars, practitioners, instructors, and students. Coverage: The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to: ¡E3D Modeling ¡EArtificial Intelligence ¡EBIM ¡EData ¡EDesign ¡EDigital Twins ¡ESmart Cities ¡ESustainability ¡ETechnology ¡EUrban Areas
Bringing Home the Housing Crisis: Politics, Precarity and Domicide in Austerity London
  Mel Nowicki/ 9781447361862/ Price:GBP 24.99
Often portrayed as an apolitical space, this book demonstrates that home is in fact a highly political concept, with a range of groups in society excluded from a ¡¥right to home¡¦ under current UK policies. Drawing on resident interviews and analysis of political and media attitudes across three case studies ¡V the criminalisation of squatting, the bedroom tax, and family homelessness ¡V it explores the ways in which legislative and policy changes dismantle people¡¦s rights to secure, decent and affordable housing by framing them as undeserving. The book includes practical lessons for housing academics, activists and policymakers.
Bringing Home the Housing Crisis: Politics, Precarity and Domicide in Austerity London
  Mel Nowicki/ 9781447361855/ Price:GBP 80.00
Housing and Life Course Dynamics: Changing Lives, Places and Inequalities
  Rory Coulter/ 9781447357674/ Price:GBP 26.99
Deepening inequalities and wider processes of demographic, economic and social change are altering how people across the Global North move between homes and neighbourhoods over the lifespan. This book presents a life course framework for understanding how the changing dynamics of people¡¦s family, education, employment and health experiences are deeply intertwined with ongoing shifts in housing behaviour and residential pathways. Particular attention is paid to how these processes help to drive uneven patterns of population change within and across neighbourhoods and localities. Integrating the latest research from multiple disciplines, the author shows how housing and life course dynamics are together reshaping 21st-century inequalities in ways that demand greater attention from scholars and public policymakers.
Housing and Life Course Dynamics: Changing Lives, Places and Inequalities
  Rory Coulter/ 9781447357667/ Price:GBP 79.99
Inhabitation in Nature: Houses, People and Practices
  David Clapham/ 9781447367802/ Price:GBP 80.00
Rejecting the assumption that housing and cities are separate from nature, David Clapham advances a new research framework that integrates housing with the rest of the natural world. Demonstrating the wider context of human lives and the impact of housing on the non-human environment, the author considers the impact of current inhabitation practices on climate change and biodiversity. Showcasing the significant contribution that housing policy can make in mitigating environmental problems, this book will stimulate debate amongst housing researchers and policy makers.
Rural Poverty Today: Experiences of Social Exclusion in Rural Britain
  Mark Shucksmith/ 9781447367123/ Price:GBP 80.00
Poverty is perceived as an urban problem, yet many in rural Britain also experience hardship. This book explores how and why people in rural areas experience and negotiate poverty and social exclusion. It examines the role of societal processes, individual circumstances, sources of support (markets; state; voluntary organisations; family and friends) and the role of place. It concludes that the UK¡¦s welfare system is poorly adapted to rural areas, with the COVID-19 pandemic, Brexit and cutbacks exacerbating pressures. Voluntary organisations increasingly fill gaps in support left by the state. Invaluable to those in policy and practice, the book recommends a combination of person-based and place-based approaches to tackle rural poverty.
It's Not Where You Live, It's How You Live: Class and Gender Struggles in a Dublin Estate
  John Bissett/ 9781447368229/ Price:GBP 19.99
This ground-breaking and compelling book takes us deep into the world of a public housing estate in Dublin, showing in fine detail the life struggles of those who live there. The book puts the emphasis on class and gender processes, revealing them to be the crucial dynamics in the lives of public housing residents. The hope is that this understanding can help change perspectives on public housing in a way that diminishes suffering and contributes to human flourishing and well-being. Combining long-term research into residents¡¦ lived experience with critical realist theory, it provides a completely fresh perspective on public housing in Ireland and arguably, beyond.
It's Not Where You Live, It's How You Live: Class and Gender Struggles in a Dublin Estate
  John Bissett/ 9781447368212/ Price:GBP 80.00
Contesting Airport Expansion: Depoliticisation, Technologies of Government and Post-Aviation Futures
  Steven Griggs/ 9781447344285/ Price:GBP 80.00
This book focuses on airport expansion and aviation as a wicked policy problem to illuminate wider theoretical debates and conceptualisations about policy analysis and social and political theory. It examines the authoritative role of expert commissions in seeking to settle ongoing controversies and discusses the concept of depoliticisation in debates about current and future policy analysis. The authors construct and employ an innovative form of poststructuralist policy analysis, which is used to delineate the rival rhetorical and discursive strategies articulated by the coalitions seeking to shape public policy.
SC09-504 3GE Collection on Social Science: Adaptation Urbanism and Resilient Communities
  3G Editorial Board/ 9781984660107/ Price:US$ 160.00
Book Cover Resilient communities are better able to plan for and take action to mitigate the risks from hazards, increase the pace of recovery from destructive events, and adapt to changing environments. This book covers adaptation urbanism as a theoretical framework for understanding and evaluating resilience projects in cities and narrates it to persistent contemporary policy issues associated to urban climate change mitigation and adaptation.
The Short Guide to Community Development
  Alison Gilchrist/ 9781447360728/ Price:GBP 14.99
Book Cover The only up-to-date, accessibly written short guide to community development, this third edition offers an invaluable and authoritative introduction. Fully updated to reflect changes in policy, practice, economics and culture, it will equip readers with an understanding of the history and theory of community development, as well as practical guidance on how to do it. This is a key text for all students and practitioners working with communities. It includes: ¡E a broad overview of core themes, concepts, basic practices and key issues in community development; ¡E an analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on community life and well-being, along with the implications for longer-term community support;? ¡E additional brand new content on the pressing issues of?democratic decline, social fragmentation and isolation, social care pressures, technological developments and climate change.
Social Housing, Wellbeing and Welfare
  James Gregory/ 9781447348504/ Price:GBP 24.95
Book Cover The growing demand for social housing is one of the most pressing public issues in Britain today, and this book analyses its role and value. Anchored in a discussion of different approaches to the meaning and measurement of wellbeing, the author explores how these perspectives influence our views of the meaning, value and purpose of social housing in today¡¦s welfare state. The closing arguments of the book suggest a more universalist approach to social housing, designed to meet the common needs of a wide range of households, with diverse socioeconomic characteristics, but all sharing the same equality of social status.
Rural Places and Planning: Stories from the Global Countryside
  Menelaos Gkartzios/ 9781447356370/ Price:GBP 26.99
Book Cover Rural Places and Planning provides a compact analysis, for students and early-career practitioners, of the critical connections between place capitals and the broader ideas and practices of planning, seeded within rural communities. It looks across twelve international cases, examining the values that guide the pursuit of the ¡¥good countryside¡¦. The book presents rural planning ¡V rooted in imagination and reflecting key values - as being embedded in the life of particular places, dealing with critical challenges across housing, services, economy, natural systems, climate action and community wellbeing in ways that are integrated and recognise broader place-making needs. It introduces the breadth of the discipline, presenting examples of what planning means and what it can achieve in different rural places.
What Town Planners Do: Exploring Planning Practices and the Public Interest through Workplace Ethnographies
  Abigail Schoneboom/ 9781447365976/ Price:GBP 85.00
Book Cover Presenting the complexities of doing planning work, with all its attendant moral and practical dilemmas, this rich ethnographic study analyses how places are made through stories of four diverse public and private sector working environments. The book provides a unique insight for educators, students and researchers into the everyday lives of planners and those in associated built environment occupations. This exceptional account of the micro-politics of a knowledge-intensive profession also provides an excellent resource for sociologists of contemporary work. The authors use team ethnography to push the methodological frontiers of planning research and to advance organisational ethnography into new areas.
Stay Home: Housing and Home in the UK During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  Becky Tunstall/ 9781447365891/ Price:GBP 22.99
Book Cover The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically exposed weaknesses in UK housing¡¦s relationship to the labour market and welfare system. Inequalities in household type, home occupancy, housing cost and security have contributed to the unequal impact of the disease. Comprehensively charting fast-moving and inter-linked policy developments, Becky Tunstall assesses the position of housing and home in public policy, health and in peoples¡¦ lives, and documents the most immediate responses to the pandemic in one convenient resource for students, scholars and practitioners.
Stay Home: Housing and Home in the UK During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  Becky Tunstall/ 9781447365884/ Price:GBP 85.00
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SC09-509 Post-Pandemic Urbanism
  Doris Kleilein/ 9783868597103/ Price:EUR 24.00
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SC09-509 Sustainable Mega City Communities
  Woodrow W. Clark II/ 9780128187937/ Price:US$ 129.00
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SC09-509 The Urban Planning Imagination: A Critical International Introduction.
  Nicholas A. Phelps/ 9781509526246/ Price:US$ 69.95
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SC09-505 Urban Planning for Transitions
  Nicolas Douay/ 9781786306753/ Price:US$ 164.95
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SC09-502 Circular Cities: A Revolution in Urban Sustainability
  Jo Williams/ 9780367748166/ Price:GBP 35.99
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SC09-498 The Politics and Ideology of Planning
  Tim Marshall/ 9781447337218/ Price:GBP 26.99
Book Cover Planning is a battleground of ideas and interests, perhaps more visibly and continuously than ever before in the UK. These battles play out nationally and at every level, from cities to the smallest neighbourhoods. Marshall goes to the root of current planning models and exposes who is acting for what purposes across these battlegrounds. He examines the ideological structuring of planning and the interplay of political forces which act out conflicting interest positions. This book discusses how structures of planning can be improved and explores how we can generate more effective political engagements in the future.
SC09-497 Causes and Effect of Urban Unemployment
  P.M. Ananth/ 9781774076743/ Price:US$ 155.00
The book 'Causes and Effect of Urban Unemployment' takes the readers through the various issues with respect to unemployment in the urban areas. The urbanization is on a rise, but the job sector is not moving with the same pace and it is extremely difficult to catch the pace as well. Due to the lag, there is an unwanted situation of unemployment, which further results in more problems. This book enlists various causes and impacts of unemployment in the urban areas and also suggests ways in which some positive changes can be made.
SC09-497 Urban Development in the Third World
  Godwin .U. Enebeli/ 9781774077962/ Price:US$ 155.00
The third world countries are some of the very fast developing nations in the present times. Urban Development in the Third World as a book takes the readers through the ways in which these countries are changing the way they are perceived and list down various areas of opportunities that these countries offer as a developing nation. The book emphasizes on the urbanization taking place in these countries and also the pace of it and also lays down the best ways possible for the urban development in these countries. It also takes the readers through a possible scenario in future of these developing urban areas.
Estate Regeneration and its Discontents: Public Housing, Place and Inequality in London
  Paul Watt/ 9781447329190/ Price:GBP 26.99
Book Cover Public housing estates are disappearing from London¡¦s skyline in the name of regeneration, but what impact is state-led gentrification having on London¡¦s marginalised communities? Watt provides a vivid interdisciplinary account of estate regeneration in London in relation to key housing and urban policy debates, using original interviews from residents in some of the capital¡¦s most deprived areas to show the dramatic ways that regeneration is fuelling socio-spatial inequalities. Foregrounding resident experiences and perspectives throughout multiple stages of the regeneration process, he examines themes of belonging, place-attachment, community and home amidst the decline of London¡¦s council housing estates and increasing polarisation between the have-nots and have-lots.
Estate Regeneration and its Discontents: Public Housing, Place and Inequality in London
  Paul Watt/ 9781447329183/ Price:GBP 80.00
The New Urban Ruins: Vacancy, Urban Politics and International Experiments in the Post-Crisis City
  Cian O'Callaghan/ 9781447356875/ Price:GBP 80.00
Book Cover This book provides an innovative perspective to consider contemporary urban challenges through the lens of urban vacancy. Centering urban vacancy as a core feature of urbanization, the contributors coalesce new empirical insights on the impacts of recent contestations over the re-use of vacant spaces in post-crisis cities across the globe. Using international case studies from the Global North and Global South, it sheds important new light on the complexity of forces and processes shaping urban vacancy and its re-use, exploring these areas as both lived spaces and sites of political antagonism. It explores what has and hasn¡¦t worked in re-purposing vacant sites and provides sustainable blueprints for future development.
Urban Futures: Planning for City Foresight and City Visions
  Timothy J. Dixon/ 9781447330936/ Price:GBP 80.00
Book Cover City visions represent shared, and often desirable, expectations about our urban futures. This book explores the history and evolution of city visions, placing them in the wider context of art, culture, science, foresight and urban theory. It highlights and critically reviews examples of city visions from around the world, contrasting their development and outlining the key benefits and challenges in planning such visions. The authors show how important it is to think about the future of cities in objective and strategic ways, engaging with a range of stakeholders ¡V something more important than ever as we look to visions of a sustainable future beyond the COVID-19 crisis.
VF01-80 Megacities and Rapid Urbanization: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
  Information Resources Management Association/ 9781522592761/ Price:US$ 380.00
Book Cover As the global population continues to increase, it has become necessary to find ways to handle this increase through various policy tools that address population growth and urbanization problems. The urbanization process has both potential issues and opportunities that need to be exploited to move societies forward. Megacities and Rapid Urbanization: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice examines trends, challenges, issues, and strategies related to population growth and rapid urbanization and its impact on urban environments. The book also explores the use of different governance approaches in addressing challenges and different tools and systems of appropriate allocation to address issues. This publication is an ideal reference source for academicians, students, practitioners, professionals, managers, urban planners, and government officials. Topics Covered The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to: ¡EEffective Management ¡EEnvironmental Effects ¡EHousing Management ¡EIndustrialization ¡ESustainable Cities ¡ETransportation Systems ¡EUrban Governance ¡EUrban Growth ¡EUrban Planning ¡EUrban Sprawl
SC09-499 Are We There Yet?: The Myths and Realities of Autonomous Vehicles
  Michael A. Pagano/ 9780252043567/ Price:US$ 110.00
SC09-492 The Self-Build Experience: Institutionalization, Place-Making and City Building
  Willem Salet/ 9781447348429/ Price:GBP 79.99
Using a broad international comparative perspective spanning multiple countries across South America, Europe and Africa, contributors explore resident-led self-building for low- and middle-income groups in urban areas. Although social, economic and urban prosperity differs across these contexts, there exists a recurring, cross-continental, tension between formal governance and self-regulation. Contributors examine the multifaceted regulation dilemmas of self-building under the conditions of modernisation and consider alternative methods of institutionalisation, place-making and urban design, reconceptualising the moral and managerial ownership of the city. Innovative in scope, this book provides an array of globalised solutions for navigating regulatory tensions in order to optimise sustainable development for the future.
SC09-490 Rescaling Urban Governance: Planning, Localism and Institutional Change
  John Sturzaker/ 9781447350774/ Price:GBP 79.99
Cities across the globe face unprecedented challenges as a result of ever-increasing pressure from climate change, migration, ageing populations and resource shortages. In order to guarantee a sustainable global future, these issues demand radical new approaches to how we govern our cities. Providing new research and thinking about cities, their governance and innovative models of planning reform, this timely and important book compares the UK with an array of international examples to examine cutting-edge experimentation and innovation in new models of governance and urban policy. The flagship text of the Urban Policy, Planning and Built Environment series, this broad but accessible volume is ideal for students and provides and authoritative single point of reference for teaching.
SC09-490 The Fall and Rise of Social Housing: 100 Years on 20 Estates
  Becky Tunstall/ 9781447351375/ Price:GBP 30.99
Drawing on a unique archive spanning the lifetime of twenty council estate projects in the UK and using hundreds of resident voices, this book reveals the secrets of council housing¡¦s failures and successes, and the reasons for them. Bringing to light the complex variety of the lived experiences of residents, it shows how estate pathways were predetermined by factors such as location, design and date, as well as by their local and national social, economic and political contexts. The book highlights what can be learned from some of the successes of less successful housing projects and provides lessons for building sustainable communities in the twenty-first century.
SC09-487 Metropolitan Sustainability
  Solange Uwera/ 9781774072752/ Price:US$ 165.00
Book Cover Metropolitan Sustainability introduces the readers to the metropolitan life in the current world. It talks about the planning and decentralization in the metropolitan cities and the sustainability that must be maintained from the point if view of the environment. It provides the basic insights t the readers on the various things that need to be considered while the metropolitan cities are functioning and emphasizes on the fact that the people need to look for sustainability in the metropolitan cities. This book also discusses about the sustainability from the point of view of infrastructure, the accessibility and transportation in the metropolitan cities, the industrial sustainability in the metropolitan cities and the growth strategies for sustainable development.
SC09-487 Urban Development: Environmental Planning and Understanding
  Solange Uwera/ 9781774072943/ Price:US$ 165.00
Book Cover Urban Development: Environmental Planning And Understanding makes the people aware about the ways in which the urban areas are planned and the how the planning of these areas must also consider the environment and its planning. This book also discusses about the global perspective on the urban development, the subject of habitat conservation in urban development, the role of transportation, space and technology in urban development, the planning and control of urban areas, the use of land and its efficiency in urban planning, necessity of environmental education while urban planning and assessing the sustainability of the urban development. This book provides the necessary insights on the subject of urban planning to the readers so that they can understand the importance of environment and its consideration in the urban planning and sustainability.
Housing Shock: The Irish Housing Crisis and How to Solve It
  Rory Hearne/ 9781447353904/ Price:GBP 23.99
The unprecedented housing and homelessness crisis in Ireland is having profound impacts on Generation Rent, the wellbeing of children, worsening wider inequality and threatening the economy. Hearne contextualises the Irish housing crisis within the broader global housing situation by examining the origins of the crisis in terms of austerity, marketisation and the new era of financialisation, where global investors are making housing unaffordable and turning it into an asset for the wealthy. He brings to the fore the perspectives of those most affected, new housing activists and protesters whilst providing innovative global solutions for a new vision for affordable, sustainable homes for all.
The Property Lobby: The Hidden Reality behind the Housing Crisis
  / 9781447348160/ Price:GBP 16.99
In this accessible and passionately argued book, Bob Colenutt goes to the roots of the long-term crisis in housing and planning in the UK. Providing a much needed, in depth critique of the nexus of power of landowners, house builders, financial backers and politicians that makes up the property lobby, this radical book reveals how this complex, self-serving and intimidating network perpetuates a cycle of low supply, high prices and poor building which has resulted in one of the biggest social and economic challenges of our time. With radical ideas for solutions, this is essential reading for anyone with an interest in housing, planning and social justice.
Populism, Democracy and Community Development
  Sue Kenny/ 9781447353843/ Price:GBP 29.99
Book Cover Using international perspectives and case studies, this book discusses the relationships between community development and populism in the context of today¡¦s widespread crisis of democracy. It investigates the development, meanings and manifestations of contemporary forms of populism and explores the synergies and contradictions between the values and practices of populism and community development. Contributors examine the ways that the ascendancy of right-wing populist politics is influencing the landscapes within which community development is located and they offer new insights on how the field can understand and respond to the challenges of populism.
Populism, Democracy and Community Development
  Sue Kenny/ 9781447353836/ Price:GBP 79.99
Romani Communities and Transformative Change: A New Social Europe
  Andrew Ryder/ 9781447357506/ Price:GBP 12.99
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Co-Creation in Theory and Practice: Exploring Creativity in the Global North and South
  Christina Horvath/ 9781447353966/ Price:GBP 26.99
This innovative book provides a critical analysis of diverse experiences of Co-creation in neighbourhood settings across the Global North and Global South. A unique collection of international researchers, artists and activists explore how creative, arts-based methods of community engagement can help tackle marginalisation and stigmatisation, whilst empowering communities to effect positive change towards more socially just cities. Focusing on community collaboration, arts practice, and knowledge sharing, this book proposes various methods of Co-Creation for community engagement and assesses the effectiveness of different practices in highlighting, challenging, and reversing issues that most affect urban cohesion in contemporary cities.
Co-Creation in Theory and Practice: Exploring Creativity in the Global North and South
  Christina Horvath/ 9781447353959/ Price:GBP 79.99
Reviving Local Authority Housing Delivery: Challenging Austerity Through Municipal Entrepreneurialism
  Janice Morphet/ 9781447355748/ Price:GBP 42.99
Book Cover This book provides crucial insight into the fight back against austerity by local authorities through emerging forms of municipal entrepreneurialism in housing delivery. Capturing this moment within its live context, the authors examine the ways that local authorities are moving towards increased financial independence based on their own activities to implement new forms and means of housebuilding activity. They assess these changes in the context of the long-term relationship between local and central government and argue that contemporary local authority housing initiatives represent a critical turning point, whilst also providing new ways of thinking about meting housing need.
VF01-75 Ambient Urbanities as the Intersection Between the IoT and the IoP in Smart Cities
  H. Patricia McKenna/ 9781522578826/ Price:US$ 195.00
Book Cover Modern day and technology-rich environments require a reconceptualization of how the nature of technology influences urban areas. Rethinking the way we apply these technologies will not only alter the way people communicate and interact, but it will also alter how individuals learn and explore the world around them. Ambient Urbanities as the Intersection Between the IoT and the IoP in Smart Cities offers insights about the ambient in 21st century smart cities, learning cities, responsive cities, and future cities, and highlights the importance of people as critical to the urban fabric of smart cities that are increasingly embedded with pervasive and often invisible technologies. The book, based on an urban research study, explores urbanity from multiple perspectives ranging from the cultural to the geographic. While highlighting topics including digital literacies, smarter governance, and information architectures, this book is ideally designed for students, educators, researchers, the business community, city government staff and officials, urban practitioners, and those concerned with contemporary and emerging complex urban challenges and opportunities. Topics Covered The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to: ¡EDigital Literacies ¡EEvolving Economics ¡EFuture Perspectives ¡EInformation Architectures ¡EMeasuring Standards ¡ESmarter Governance ¡ETheoretical Spaces ¡EUrban Interactions ¡EUrban Layers ¡EUrban Understandings
VF01-73 Driving the Development, Management, and Sustainability of Cognitive Cities
  Kiran Ahuja/ 9781522580850/ Price:US$ 225.00
Book Cover The technological advancements of today not only affect individual¡¦s personal lives. They also affect the way urban communities regard the improvement of their resident¡¦s lives. Research involving these autonomic reactions to the growing needs of the people is desperately needed to transform the cities of today into the cities of the future. Driving the Development, Management, and Sustainability of Cognitive Cities is a pivotal reference source that explores and improves the understanding of the strategic role of sustainable cognitive cities in residents¡¦ routine life styles. Such benefits to residents and businesses include having access to world-class training while sitting at home, having their wellbeing observed consistently, and having their medical issues identified before occurrence. This book is ideally designed for administrators, policymakers, industrialists, and researchers seeking current research on developing and managing cognitive cities. Topics Covered The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to: ¡EBehavior Analysis ¡EBig Data Management ¡ECognitive Trust ¡ECommunication Models ¡EData Analytics ¡EEnergy Systems ¡EGreen Sustainability ¡EInformation Systems ¡EIntelligent Systems ¡EKnowledge Transfer
VF01-65 Smart Cities and Smart Spaces: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 3-Vols/Set.
  Information Resources Management Association/ 9781522570301/ Price:US$ 945.00
Book Cover As populations have continued to grow and expand, many people have made their homes in cities around the globe. With this increase in city living, it is becoming vital to create intelligent urban environments that efficiently support this growth and simultaneously provide friendly and progressive environments to both businesses and citizens alike. Smart Cities and Smart Spaces: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications is an innovative reference source that discusses social, economic, and environmental issues surrounding the evolution of smart cities. Highlighting a range of topics such as smart destinations, urban planning, and intelligent communities, this multi-volume book is designed for engineers, architects, facility managers, policymakers, academicians, and researchers interested in expanding their knowledge on the emerging trends and topics involving smart cities. Topics Covered The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to: ¡EBuilding Components ¡ECity Innovation ¡EIntelligent Communities ¡ESmart Destinations ¡ESustainability ¡ESystem Dynamic Models ¡EUbiquitous Interactive Spaces ¡EUrban Planning ¡EVisualization Techniques ¡EWeb-Based Services and Planning ¡ETable of Contents and List of Contributors
SC09-484 The Short Guide to Town and Country Plannings
  Adam Sheppard/ 9781447344438/ Price:GBP 15.99
Book Cover The short guide to town and country planning provides a short, introductory overview of the practice of planning for those with little or no prior knowledge. The book considers who planners are and what they do, presenting a historical narrative of the emergence of planning as an organised action of the state. The book discusses planning implementation and delivery with a consideration of planning decision making, and the process of development. It further explores ideas of governance and of government and society and their interactions through the planning system. This book looks at current and future pressures, dynamics, and challenges, encouraging the reader to adopt a reflective and inquisitive outlook.
SC09-484 Whose Housing Crisis?: Assets and Homes in a Changing Economy
  Nick Gallent/ 9781447346074/ Price:GBP 23.99
Book Cover At the root of the housing crisis is the problematic relationship that individuals and economies share with residential property. Housing¡¦s social purpose, as home, is too often relegated behind its economic function, as asset, able to offer a hedge against weakening pensions or source of investment and equity release for individuals, or guarantee rising public revenues, sustain consumer confidence and provide evidence of ¡¥growth¡¦ for economies. The refunctioning of housing in the twentieth century is a cause of great social inequality, as housing becomes a place to park and extract wealth and as governments do all they can to keep house prices on an upward track.
Whose Housing Crisis?: Assets and Homes in a Changing Economy
  Nick Gallent/ 9781447345312/ Price:GBP 79.99
Book Cover
Transport Matters
  Iain Docherty/ 9781447329558/ Price:GBP 85.99
Book Cover
SC09-483 Designing the Compassionate City: Creating Places Where People Thrive.
  Jenny Donovan/ 9781138562707/ Price:GBP 170.00
SC09-476 How to Build Houses and Save the Countryside
  Shaun Spiers/ 9781447339991/ Price:GBP 10.99
Book Cover England has a housing crisis. We need to build many more new homes to house our growing population, but house building is controversial, particularly when it involves the loss of countryside. Addressing both sides of this critical debate, Shaun Spiers argues that to drive house building on the scale needed, government must strike a contract with civil society: in return for public support and acceptance of the loss of some countryside, it must guarantee high quality, affordable developments, in the right locations. Simply imposing development, as recent governments of all political persuasions have attempted, will not work. Focusing on house building and conservation politics in England, Spiers uses his considerable experience and extensive research to demonstrate why the current model doesn¡¦t work, and why there needs to be both planning reform and a more active role for the state, including local government.
SC09-476 Regenerative Urban Design and Ecosystem Biomimicry.
  Maibritt Pedersen Zari/ 9781138079489/ Price:GBP 130.00
SC09-476 The Syntax of City Space: American Urban Grids.
  Mark David Major/ 9781138301573/ Price:GBP 59.99
SC09-476 Property Asset Management
  Douglas Scarrett/ 9781138644236/ Price:GBP 38.99
SC09-472 Enabling Participatory Planning: Planning Aid and Advocacy in Neo-liberal Times.
  Gavin Parker/ 9781447341390/ Price:GBP 41.99
Book Cover his book examines the challenges in delivering a participatory planning agenda in the face of an increasingly neo-liberalised planning system and charts the experience of Planning Aid England. In an age of austerity, government spending cuts, privatisation and rising inequalities the need to support and include the most vulnerable in society is more acute than ever. However, forms of Advocacy Planning, the progressive concept championed for this purpose since the 1960s, is under threat from neo-liberalisation. Rather than abandoning advocacy, the book asserts that only through sustained critical engagement will issues of exclusion be positively tackled and addressed. The authors propose neo-advocacy planning as the critical lens through which to effect positive change. This, they argue, will need to draw on a co-production model maintained through a well-resourced special purpose organisation set up to mobilise and resource planning intermediaries whose role it is to activate, support and educate those without the resources to secure such advocacy themselves.
SC09-470 Present and Future of Urban Planning.
  Tanjina Nur/ 9781773611433/ Price:US$ 160.00
Book Cover Presenting a framework of adaptive risk governance for urban planning; this book reveals why previous community planning practices have failed and suggests that improvements can be made by taking into consideration the diverse needs of a multicultural society. This timely book, explains the changes that have transformed urban planning and intended to inform and inspire citizens, legislators, administrators, technocrats, and planners to shape cities for the benefit and enjoyment of all.
SC09-470 Regional Development and Land Use Change.
  Quan Cui/ 9781773611150/ Price:US$ 160.00
Book Cover Land use/cover change (LUCC), especially conversion and degradation of natural land, is the key factor causing terrestrial carbon stocks declines in the world. As we noticed the main driving force of LUCC is human activities and socio-economic development, many types of research have been conducted. This book contains reviews on regional land-use change and socio-economic relations, special issues like deforestation and urbanization, environmental impacts of land-use change, LUCC on energy flow, specific elements stocks related with LUCC, carbon storage and LUCC, et al. Combing studies from different angles, this book give its readers an up-to-date concept about what regional development and land-use change can do to our society and nature.
SC09-470 Urban Planning and Development Issues.
  Sudha Menon/ 9781773612294/ Price:US$ 155.00
Book Cover The dynamics of different cities and towns can only be managed through the urban planning, designing and development. The globalization with advance technology has also derived the economy towards on the rise in the fast manner, which is dangerous for cities and towns if they will not adapt change. The sustainability can only be achieved and attained through the skillfulness. The book is all about adaptation towards change and new life style choices through urban planning, designing and development. The book is based on a belief that the cities and towns can be made more sustainable and it is a fact that human beings cannot reside in places without sustainable cities and towns.
SC09-470 Urban Sociology: An Introduction to the Study of Urban Communities.
  Sudha Menon/ 9781773613338/ Price:US$ 155.00
Book Cover This book provides information about the nature and scope of urban sociology with all the aspects of city life. This comprehensive text extends the discussion of the challenges faced by urban sociology in the global age, while covering the issues traditionally associated with urban sociology. It relies on the related sciences and borrows from history, economics, social psychology, public administration and social work.
SC09-470 Urban Planning and Development.
  S.Taylor/ 9781682513101/ Price:US$ 150.00
Book Cover People living in rural areas typically tap the opportunities that cities provide for employment, entrepreneurial avenues, and education. This Book highlights some of the problems and discusses possible solutions in terms of organization, planning and management. This book is a compendium of selected chapters, of great significancefor understanding the urban development issues, contributed by well-known authors in this scientific field. All the chapters have been comprehensively reviewed and cover some basic aspects about urban sustainability, urban extension, urban planning, urban setting, housing and land uses.
SC09-470 Developments and Issues in Urban Engineering and Transportation.
  Andy Johnson/ 9781682513118/ Price:US$ 150.00
Book Cover Urban engineering has become a subject of major interest for students, academia and practicing engineers in the government and private sector. Transport plays a crucial role in urban development by providing access for people to education, markets, employment, recreation, health care and other key services. This book will be of interest as a credible source can be very applicable and useful for all professors, researchers, students, experienced technical professionals, practitioners and others interested in urban transportation systems.
SC09-467 Localism and Neighbourhood Planning: Power to the People?
  Brownill, Sue/ 9781447329503/ Price:GBP 29.99
Book Cover Governments around the world are seeing the locality as a key arena for effecting changes in governance, restructuring state/civil society relations and achieving sustainable growth. This is the first book to critically analyse this shift towards localism in planning through exploring neighbourhood planning; one of the fastest growing, most popular and most contentious contemporary planning initiatives. Bringing together original empirical research with critical perspectives on governance and planning, the book engages with broader debates on the purposes of planning, the construction of active citizenship, the uneven geographies of localism and the extent to which power is actually being devolved. Setting this within an international context with cases from the US, Australia and France the book reflects on the possibilities for the emergence of a more progressive form of localism.
SC09-467 Why Detroit Matters: Decline, Renewal and Hope in a Divided City.
  Doucet, Brian/ 9781447327875/ Price:GBP 28.99
Book Cover Detroit has come to symbolise deindustrialization and the challenges, and opportunities, it presents. As many cities struggle with urban decline, racial and ethnic tensions and the consequences of neoliberal governance and political fragmentation, Detroit¡¦s relevance grows stronger. Why Detroit Matters bridges academic and non-academic responses to this extreme example of a fractured and divided, post-industrial city. Contributions from many of the leading scholars on Detroit are joined by influential writers, planners, artists and activists who have contributed chapters drawing on their experiences and ideas. The book concludes with interviews with some of the city¡¦s most important visionaries who are engaged in inspiring practices which provide powerful lessons for Detroit and other cities around the world. The book will be a valuable reference for scholars, practitioners and students from across disciplines including geography, planning, architecture, sociology, urban studies, history, American studies, and economics.
SC09-463 The Geography of Urban Transportation.
  Giuliano, Genevieve/ 9781462529650/ Price:US$ 75.00
Book Cover A comprehensive update, the fourth edition of this leading text features numerous chapters by new authors addressing the latest trends and topics in the field. The book presents the foundational concepts and methodological tools that readers need in order to engage with today's pressing urban transportation policy issues. Coverage encompasses passenger and freight dynamics in the American metropolis; the local and regional transportation planning process; and questions related to public transit, land use, social equity and environmental justice, energy consumption, air pollution, transportation finance, sustainability, and more. Among the student-friendly features are special-topic boxes delving into key issues and 87 instructive figures, including eight color plates. New to This Edition Extensively revised coverage of information and communication technologies, urban freight, travel behaviors, and regional transportation planning. Engaging discussions of current topics: smartphone travel tracking, Uber, car and bike sharing, food deserts, biofuels, and more. Heightened focus on climate change. Reflects over a decade of policy changes, technological advances, and emergent ideas and findings in the field. Most of the figures and special-topic boxes are new.
SC09-463 Land Use Planning and Management.
  Cortes, Pauline G. T./ 9781680946277/ Price:US$ 145.00
Book Cover This book involves studies on the environmental effects of land use and its impact on the community. It provides a practical understanding of the mechanisms, tools, and levers that can be used to achieve strategic and proactive urban governance. The process by which lands are evaluated and assessed to become a basis for decisions involving land disposition and utilization. Land management is the process of managing the use and development (in both urban and rural settings) of land resources. Land resources are used for a variety of purposes which may include organic agriculture, reforestation, water resource management and eco-tourism projects.
SC09-463 Illustrated Handbook of Urban Planning & Design.
  / 9781680946468/ Price:US$ 180.00
Book Cover This illustrated handbook brings together the imaginative and generative strength of design to structure, visualize and communicate urban proposals with the analytic rigor of urban planning methodologies, tools and the policy role. It develops competence in urban planning and design grounded in a solid knowledge base, while advancing professional skills through task-based learning and tools for experimentation and innovation. Urban design is the process by which cities, towns, and villages are shaped, with the goal of making urban areas functional, attractive, and sustainable. It unites all the built environment professions, including urban planning, landscape architecture, architecture, civil and municipal engineering, and focuses on the design, quality, character and appearance of places. Urban planning is the process concerned with the use of land and design of the urban environment, including air, water, and infrastructure networks. It guides and ensures the orderly development of communities, and concerns itself with research and analysis, strategic thinking, policy recommendations, implementation, and management.
SC09-461 Urban Land Use: Community-Based Planning.
  Etingoff, Kim/ 9781771884853/ Price:GBP 105.00
SC09-457 Joint Fact-Finding in Urban Planning and Environmental Disputes.
  Matsuura, Masahiro/ 9781138120181/ Price:GBP 42.99
Why Detroit Matters: Decline, Renewal and Hope in a Divided City
  Brian Doucet/ 9781447327868/ Price:GBP 85.99
Book Cover Detroit has come to symbolise deindustrialization and the challenges, and opportunities, it presents. As many cities struggle with urban decline, racial and ethnic tensions and the consequences of neoliberal governance and political fragmentation, Detroit¡¦s relevance grows stronger. Why Detroit Matters bridges academic and non-academic responses to this extreme example of a fractured and divided, post-industrial city. Contributions from many of the leading scholars on Detroit are joined by influential writers, planners, artists and activists who have contributed chapters drawing on their experiences and ideas. The book concludes with interviews with some of the city¡¦s most important visionaries who are engaged in inspiring practices which provide powerful lessons for Detroit and other cities around the world. The book will be a valuable reference for scholars, practitioners and students from across disciplines including geography, planning, architecture, sociology, urban studies, history, American studies, and economics.
Localism and Neighbourhood Planning: Power to the People?
  Sue Brownill/ 9781447329497/ Price:GBP 85.99
Book Cover
Spatial Planning and Resilience Following Disasters: International and Comparative Perspectives
  Stefan Greiving/ 9781447323594/ Price:GBP 29.99
Book Cover Population shifts and an increase in the number of natural (and man-made) disasters are having a profound effect on urban and rural habitats globally. This book brings together for the first time the experiences and knowledge of international contributors from academia, research, policy and practice to discuss the role of spatial planning after significant disasters. It highlights on-going efforts to improve spatial resilience across the globe and predicts future trends. Comparisons from five countries including Japan, the US, Indonesia, Slovakia and Germany, highlight the influence of significant disasters on spatial planning and spatial resiliency under different legal-administrative and cultural frameworks.
SC09-457 Rethinking Sustainable Cities: Accessible, Green and Fair.
  Simon, David/ 9781447332848/ Price:GBP 11.99
Book Cover Sustainable urbanisation has moved to the forefront of global debate, research and policy agendas over recent years. Rapid urbanisation throughout China, India and many other low and middle income countries poses new challenges both locally and internationally at a time when urban areas worldwide are threatened by climate/environmental change. This compact book is designed to make a signal contribution to the sustainable urbanisation agenda through authoritative interventions contextualising, assessing and explaining clearly the relevance and importance of three central characteristics of sustainable towns and cities everywhere, namely that they should be fair, green and accessible. These three terms form key tenets of the work of Mistra Urban Futures (MUF), an international research centre on sustainable urbanisation based in Gothenburg, Sweden, and working through transdisciplinary research platforms there, in Greater Manchester (UK), Cape Town (South Africa) and Kisumu (Kenya). Additional platforms are being established in southern Sweden, Asia and Africa.
SC09-457 English Planning in Crisis: Ten Steps to a Sustainable Future.
  Ellis, Hugh/ 9781447330349/ Price:GBP 9.99
Book Cover The English planning system is in crisis, argue the authors of this provocative new book. Reflecting on controversial new Government reforms and deregulation, Kate Henderson and Hugh Ellis provide a comprehensive analysis of these reforms, assessing the implications and significance for the future. They highlight why planning is so essential to quality of life and set out 10 evidence-based steps to rebuild the planning system in England. Drawing on policy and practice examples from across the UK and internationally, the book is a manifesto for change. It provides a direct and vigorous challenge to the current structure and policy of planning that should ignite a debate about the values that shape its future.
SC09-457 Cities for a Small Continent: International Handbook of City Recovery.
  Power, Anne/ 9781447327530/ Price:GBP 27.99
Book Cover This original book builds on the author¡¦s research in Phoenix cities to present a vivid story of Europe¡¦s post-industrial cities pre- and post- financial crisis. Using varied case studies the book explores how policy responses to the economic crisis have played out in different European cities, with their contrasting conditions, history and performance generating contrasting reactions. The book compares changes between Northern and Southern European countries, bigger and smaller cities, over the past ten years. Across the continent social cohesion, community investment and social enterprise have gained momentum as Europe¡¦s crowded, resource-constrained cities face up to environmental and social limits faster than other less densely urban countries, such as the US. The author presents a compelling framework to show that Europe¡¦s cities are creating a new industrial economy to combat environmental and social unravelling.
SC09-456 Handbook of Urban Planning & Design.
  Cooper, Dale/ 9781682500637/ Price:US$ 180.00
Book Cover Urban design and planning is created upon the social, environmental, political, aesthetic and economic importance of design in the public realm, serving the public interest. It focuses on the intersections between architecture, landscape architecture, planning and geography. The design of urban places explores two strongly related fields of environmental practice: urban design as the shaping of urban space and urban planning as the strategic and regulatory mediation of urban change. This book highlights some of these problems and discusses possible solutions in terms of urban, planning and management.
SC09-456 Urbanisation & Urban Planning.
  Dorning, Monica A./ 9781682500675/ Price:US$ 170.00
Book Cover Urbanisation is a population shift from rural to urban areas, ¡§the gradual increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas¡¨, and the ways in which each society adapts to the change. It is predominantly the process by which towns and cities are formed and become larger as more people begin living and working in central areas. Rapid urbanisation presents new and substantial challenges, ranging from governance and citizenship to infrastructure, housing, and the environment. Urban planning is a technical and political process concerned with the use of land, protection and use of the environment, public welfare, and the design of the urban environment, including air, water, and the infrastructure passing into and out of urban areas such as transportation, communications, and distribution networks. This book focuses on key issues that emerge in rapidly growing cities of the developing world.
SC09-456 Urban Environment Management.
  Shah Md. Atiqul Haq/ 9781682500682/ Price:US$ 170.00
Book Cover Urban environment management (UEM) responds to the need to examine urban environment and housing problems from the management and planning perspectives to promote sustainable urban development. The UEM develops the capabilities and skills to confront deteriorating en-vironmental conditions that threaten urban productivity, quality of life of urban residents and social cohesion of urban communities. Urban Environment Management looks at urban areas as the intersection of natural, built, and socio-economic environments, to create sustainable urban ecosystems. The objectives of this book are to explore local environmental problems of cities, as well as its impacts on global challenges.
SC09-456 Urban Renewal: Policy & Management.
  Jalaludin, Bin/ 9781682500699/ Price:US$ 170.00
Book Cover Urban renewal, is a program of land redevelopment in areas of moderate to high density urban land use. Urban renewal involves the relocation of businesses, the demolition of structures, the relocation of people, and the use of eminent domain as a legal instrument to take private property for city-initiated development projects. Urban renewal has been seen by proponents as an eco-nomic engine and a reform mechanism, and by critics as a mechanism for control. It may enhance existing communities, and in some cases result in the demolition of neighborhoods. The book con-centrates on urban renewal focusing on the social and physical aspects of this process.
SC09-456 Urban Geography.
  Ortiz, Erik/ 9781682500934/ Price:US$ 170.00
Book Cover Urban geography, with reference to their geographical environment, is related to the study of urban places. It consists of origin of towns, their growth and development, their functions in and nearby their surroundings. Urban geographers are mainly focused with the ways in cities and towns are built, administered and practiced. Urban geography studies the effect of urban processes on the earth¡¦s surface¡¦s social and physical structures.
SC09-456 Urban Planning: Theory & Practice.
  Uslu, Aysel/ 9781682510810/ Price:US$ 170.00
Book Cover Urban planning is a technical and political process concerned with the use of land, protection and use of the environment, public welfare, and the design of the urban environment. It ensures the orderly development of settlements and satellite communities which commute into and out of urban areas or share resources with it. This book covers the factors into consideration when choosing the locations for buildings, and sets up appropriate zones accordingly.
SC09-452 Urban Environments in Africa: A Critical Analysis of Environmental Politics.
  Myers, Garth/ 9781447322924/ Price:GBP 27.99
SC09-452 Exploring the Production of Urban Space: Differential Space in Three Post-Industrial Cities.
  Leary-Owhin, Michael E./ 9781447305743/ Price:GBP 79.99
Book Cover The ideas of Henri Lefebvre on the production of urban space have become increasingly useful for understanding world-wide post-industrial city transformation. This important book uses new international comparative research to engage critically with Lefebvre¡¦s spatial theories and challenge recent thinking about the nature of urban space. Meticulous research in three iconic post-industrial cities in the UK and North America, explains how urban public spaces, including differential space are socially produced. The book contributes critically to the post-industrial city comparative analysis literature. It provides an accessible guide for those who care about public space, city planning and urban policy.
SC09-451 Restructuring Public Transport through Bus Rapid Transit: An International and Interdisciplinary Perspective.
  Munoz, Juan C./ 9781447326168/ Price:GBP 85.99
Book Cover Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is commonly discussed as an affordable way for cities to build sustainable rapid transport infrastructure. This book is the first to offer an in-depth analysis of BRT, examining the opportunities it presents along with the significant challenges cities face in its implementation. A wide range of contributors bring expertise in fields ranging from engineering, planning and public policy to economics and urban design from both developed and developing countries, to provide a big picture assessment of BRT as part of a process for restructuring transit systems. Academically rigorous, based on 5 years of research conducted by the BRT Centre of Excellence, the book is written in an accessible style making it a valuable resource for academic researchers and postgraduate students as well as policy makers and practitioners.
SC09-450 After Urban Regeneration: Communities, Policy and Place.
  O'Brien, Dave/ 9781447324164/ Price:GBP 27.99
Book Cover After Urban Regeneration is a comprehensive study of contemporary trends in urban policy and planning. Leading scholars come together to create a key contribution to the literature on gentrification, with a focus on the history and theory of community in urban policy. Engaging with debates as to how urban policy has changed, and continues to change, following the financial crash of 2008, the book provides an essential antidote to those who claim that culture and society can replicate the role of the state. Based on research from the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council¡¦s Connected Communities programme and with a unique set of case studies drawing on artistic and cultural community work, the book will appeal to scholars and students in geography, urban studies, planning, sociology, law and art as well as policy makers and community workers.
Cities for a Small Continent: International Handbook of City Recovery
  Anne Power/ 9781447327523/ Price:GBP 85.99
Book Cover
People and Places: A Twenty-First Century Atlas of the UK
  Danny Dorling/ 9781447311362/ Price:GBP 90.99
Book Cover
SC09-451 Community Development in Action: Putting Freire into Practice.
  Ledwith, Margaret/ 9781847428752/ Price:GBP 17.99
Book Cover In a world in which social divisions are widening not lessening, it is essential for community development, or any other practice committed to social justice and sustainability, to understand how power works at every level, from grassroots projects to movements for change. This exciting and practical book is filled to the brim with useful ideas for busy practitioners. Building on the work of Paulo Freire, theories are presented in interesting and straightforward ways to provide an everyday reference for practice. Contained in these pages is all you need to give your practice a critical edge!
SC09-450 The Short Guide to Urban Policy.
  Edwards, Claire/ 9781447307990/ Price:GBP 14.99
Book Cover With an ever increasing proportion of the world's population inhabiting urban environments, the management of cities remains a perennial challenge for governments and policymakers. This concise, but wide-ranging text makes sense of the multiple ways in which urban issues and problems have been defined and addressed in different places at different times. From initiatives that focus on social tensions within the urban realm, to those which seek to develop cities as economic entities, the book provides an accessible discussion and critique of some of the key approaches that have characterised urban policy across the globe. Providing case studies of urban policy actions, explanations of key concepts, and succinct chapter summaries, this unique introductory text is invaluable reading for both students and practitioners who are new to the area of urban policy, and who wish to understand and assess policy responses to the challenges posed by urban living and lifestyles.
SC09-442 Global Gentrifications: Uneven Development and Displacement.
  Lees, Loretta/ 9781447313489/ Price:GBP 31.99
Book Cover Under contemporary capitalism the extraction of value from the built environment has escalated, working in tandem with other urban processes to lay the foundations for the exploitative processes of gentrification world-wide. Global gentrifications: Uneven development and displacement critically assesses and tests the meaning and significance of gentrification in places outside the ¡¥usual suspects¡¦ of the Global North. Informed by a rich array of case studies from cities in Asia, Latin America, Africa, Southern Europe, and beyond, the book (re)discovers the important generalities and geographical specificities associated with the uneven process of gentrification globally. It highlights intensifying global struggles over urban space and underlines gentrification as a growing and important battleground in the contemporary world. The book will be of value to students and academics, policy makers, planners and community organisations.
SC09-442 How to Save Our Town Centres: A Radical Agenda for the Future of High Streets.
  Dobson, Julian/ 9781447323938/ Price:GBP 27.99
Has the age of the internet killed our high streets? Have our town and city centres become obsolete? How to Save Our Town Centres delves below the surface of empty buildings and ¡¥shop local¡¦ campaigns to focus on the real issues: how the relationship between people and places is changing, how business is done and who benefits, and how the use and ownership of land affects us all. Written in an engaging and accessible style and illustrated with numerous original interviews, the book sets out a comprehensive and coherent agenda for long term citizen-led change. It will be a valuable resource for policymakers and researchers in planning, architecture and the built environment, economic development and community participation.
SC09-440 Leading the Inclusive City: Place-Based Innovation for a Bounded Planet.
  Hambleton, Robin/ 9781447304968/ Price:GBP 28.99
Book Cover Cities are often seen as helpless victims in a global flow of events and many view growing inequality in cities as inevitable. This engaging book rejects this gloomy prognosis and argues that imaginative place-based leadership can enable citizens to shape the urban future in accordance with progressive values ¡V advancing social justice, promoting care for the environment and bolstering community empowerment. This international and comparative book, written by an experienced author, shows how inspirational civic leaders are making a major difference in cities across the world. The analysis provides practical lessons for local leaders and a significant contribution to thinking on public service innovation for anyone who wants to change urban society for the better.
SC09-440 Renewing Europe's Housing.
  Turkington, Richard/ 9781447310129/ Price:GBP 79.99
Book Cover Many European cities have a shortage of good quality, affordable housing, but this problem has become less prominent in policy than it should be. This timely book aims to redress that balance. After an introductory chapter, expert contributors provide contemporary comparative accounts of housing renewal policy and practice in nine European countries in its physical, economic, social, community and cultural aspects. Shared concerns over energy conservation, social protection and inclusion, and the roles and responsibilities of the public and private sectors form the basis of a proposed policy agenda for housing renewal across Europe. The concluding chapters draw conclusions from a pan-European perspective and consider the future prospects for renewing older housing. Academics, practitioners, policy-makers and students of housing, urban studies, planning, regeneration, environmental health and sustainability will all want to read this book.
Global Gentrifications: Uneven Development and Displacement.
  Lees, Loretta/ 9781447313472/ Price:GBP 95.99
Book Cover Under contemporary capitalism the extraction of value from the built environment has escalated, working in tandem with other urban processes to lay the foundations for the exploitative processes of gentrification world-wide. Global gentrifications: Uneven development and displacement critically assesses and tests the meaning and significance of gentrification in places outside the ¡¥usual suspects¡¦ of the Global North. Informed by a rich array of case studies from cities in Asia, Latin America, Africa, Southern Europe, and beyond, the book (re)discovers the important generalities and geographical specificities associated with the uneven process of gentrification globally. It highlights intensifying global struggles over urban space and underlines gentrification as a growing and important battleground in the contemporary world. The book will be of value to students and academics, policy makers, planners and community organisations.
After Urban Regeneration: Communities, Policy and Place.
  Dave O'Brien/ 9781447324157/ Price:GBP 79.99
Book Cover After Urban Regeneration is a comprehensive study of contemporary trends in urban policy and planning. Leading scholars come together to create a key contribution to the literature on gentrification, with a focus on the history and theory of community in urban policy. Engaging with debates as to how urban policy has changed, and continues to change, following the financial crash of 2008, the book provides an essential antidote to those who claim that culture and society can replicate the role of the state. Based on research from the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council¡¦s Connected Communities programme and with a unique set of case studies drawing on artistic and cultural community work, the book will appeal to scholars and students in geography, urban studies, planning, sociology, law and art as well as policy makers and community workers.
Whose Land is Our Land?: The Use and Abuse of Britain's Forgotten Acres.
  Hetherington, Peter/ 9781447325321/ Price:GBP 8.99
Book Cover Food security and housing a nation with an expanding population should be key priorities for a small island like Britain. Yet both are being thwarted by record land prices. In the last 10 years, farm land has risen by almost 200% - with feeding the nation a secondary consideration to speculators buying up thousands of acres annually to avoid tax. If planning permission is given for new housing, prices can rise fifty-fold - making a vast profit for a few and home ownership a distant dream for many. In this provocative book, journalist Peter Hetherington argues that Britain, particularly England, needs an active policy to address these areas and stronger action by the government. This important debate will attract interest among academics and postgraduates in planning, surveying, housing management, rural policy and social policy, political organisations, the Third Sector, social enterprises, national housing organisations, community and voluntary groups.
SC09-448 Evaluation of Innovative Land Tools in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  Paul van Asperen/ 9781614994435/ Price:EUR 65.00
Book Cover Sub-Saharan Africa is urbanizing rapidly, but most countries lack appropriate tools to manage their urban growth. This creates both risks and opportunities for prospective land holders, resulting in a tangle of insecure land rights and claims under multiple tenure systems. Recently, innovative land tools have been proposed and implemented to formalize land tenure. It is envisaged that tenure security for land holders will increase and in turn contribute to poverty reduction. This study evaluates such tools in three peri-urban areas in Lusaka (Zambia), Oshakati (Namibia) and Gaborone (Botswana), with a focus on the perspective of the land holders. The author concludes that the tools are to some extent pro-poor, and makes recommendations for further improvements. These innovative land tools are also considered a necessary addition to conventional and administration tools. This study makes valuable reading for academics, policy makers and practitioners within the land administration domain and related disciplines.
SC09-439 Sustainable London?: The Future of a Global City.
  Imrie, Rob/ 9781447310600/ Price:GBP 31.99
Book Cover How is London responding to social and economic crises, and to the challenges of sustaining its population, economy and global status? This exciting book explores the rise of sustainable development policies in London. Sustainable development discourse has permeated different policy fields, including transport, housing, property development and education. Here, international authors highlight the uneven impacts and effects of these policies, including the creation of new social inequalities and extending and deepening existing ones, and seek to move debates towards a reconsideration of previous interpretations of sustainability which balanced market and social interests in the public good. The book is essential reading for urban practitioners and policy makers, and students in social, urban and environmental geography, sociology and urban studies.
SC09-439 Hearing the Voices of the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Communities: Inclusive Community Development.
  Ryder, Andrew/ 9781447313571/ Price:GBP 28.99
Book Cover Over the past decade, interest in Gypsies, Roma and Travellers (GRT) has risen up the political and media agendas, but they remain relatively unknown. This topical book is the first to chart the history and contemporary developments in GRT community activism, and the community and voluntary organisations and coalitions which support it. Underpinned by radical community development and equality theories, it describes the communities' struggle for rights against a backdrop of intense intersectional discrimination across Europe, and critiques the ambivalent role of community development in fostering these campaigns. Much of it co-written by community activists, it is a vehicle for otherwise marginalised voices, and an essential resource and inspiration for practitioners, lecturers, researchers and members of GRT communities.
SC09-439 Community Action and Planning: Contexts, Drivers and Outcomes.
  Gallent, Nick/ 9781447315162/ Price:GBP 79.99
Book Cover With trust in top-down government faltering, community-based groups around the world are displaying an ever-greater appetite to take control of their own lives and neighbourhoods. Government, for its part, is keen to embrace the projects and the planning undertaken at this level, attempting to regularise it and use it as a means of reconnecting to citizens and localising democracy. This unique book analyses the contexts, drivers and outcomes of community action and planning in a selection of case studies in the global north: from emergent neighbourhood planning in England to the community-based housing movement in New York, and from active citizenship in the Dutch new towns to associative action in Marseille. It will be a valuable resource for academic researchers and for postgraduate students on social policy, planning and community development courses.
SC09-439 Rebuilding Britain: Planning for a Better Future.
  Ellis, Hugh/ 9781447317593/ Price:GBP 18.99
Book Cover Britain faces extraordinary challenges, from climate change to growing equality and global economics, but as a nation has no plan for the future. This unique book asks a simple question: how it can organise itself, not just for survival, but to build a fairer and sustainable society? The arguments refer to the high ambitions of those who pioneered the planning movement and campaigned for a clear set of progressive values, but whose drive for Utopia has now been forgotten.. The book takes a distinctive approach to exploring the value to society of social town planning and offers a doorway for how planning both morally and practically can help to meet key challenges of the 21st century. It challenges the widely held view that it¡¦s impossible to achieve a better future by suggesting that there is real choice in how society develops and points to contemporary examples of Utopia. This accessible book makes essential reading for students in the built environment and the wider social sciences who have an interest in UK and European examples of sustainable communities.
SC09-439 The Collaborating Planner?: Practitioners in the Neoliberal Age.
  Clifford, Ben/ 9781447305101/ Price:GBP 35.99
Book Cover Since the turn of the 21st century, there has been a greater pace of reform to planning in Britain than at any other time. As a public sector activity, planning has also been impacted heavily by the wider changes in the way we are governed. Yet whilst such reform has been extensively commented upon within academia, few have empirically explored how these changes are manifesting themselves in planning practice. This book aims to understand how both specific planning and broader public sector reforms have been experienced and understood by chartered town planners working in local authorities across Great Britain. After setting out the reform context, successive chapters then map responses across the profession to the implementation of spatial planning, to targets, to public participation and to the idea of a 'customer-focused' planning, and to attempts to change the culture of planning. Each chapter outlines the reaction by the profession to reforms promoted by successive central and devolved governments over the last decade, before considering the broader issues of what this tells us about how modernisation is rolled-out by frontline public servants. This accessible book fills a gap in the market and makes ideal reading for students and researchers interested in the UK planning system.
SC09-438 Cities and Social Change: Encounters with Contemporary Urbanism.
  Paddison, Ronan/ 9781848601109/ Price:GBP 39.99
SC09-431 The Transport Debate.
  Shaw, Jon/ 9781847428561/ Price:GBP 17.99
Book Cover At a time when transport issues are high on the political agenda and sustainability concerns widely debated, there is a need for an accessible look at the policy issues, suitable for non-specialists. This book is a highly readable introduction to the transport debate from two experts in the field. The authors celebrate the advantages of a modern transport system, but argue that years of poorly conceived and executed transport policy have resulted in Britain¡¦s transport system being far worse than it should be. They show that a substandard transport system creates economic, social and environmental costs, but demonstrate how these can be addressed through affordable and politically deliverable changes. Using a refreshingly novel approach, Shaw and Docherty use the familiar idea of the journey as the basis for their discussion. The book follows members of the Smith family as they uncover a wide array of transport issues, including why the problems we all encounter as we travel around actually come about; which policy trade-offs were responsible for creating them in the first place; what impacts we all have to suffer as a result; and what we can do to fix them. This lively and engaging approach will make the book ideal for a wide readership.
SC09-430 Affordable and Social Housing: Policy and Practice.
  Reeves, Paul/ 9780415628563/ Price:GBP 48.99
Leading the Inclusive City: Place-Based Innovation for a Bounded Planet.
  Hambleton, Robin/ 9781447304975/ Price:GBP 79.99
Book Cover Cities are often seen as helpless victims in a global flow of events and many view growing inequality in cities as inevitable. This engaging book rejects this gloomy prognosis and argues that imaginative place-based leadership can enable citizens to shape the urban future in accordance with progressive values ¡V advancing social justice, promoting care for the environment and bolstering community empowerment. This international and comparative book, written by an experienced author, shows how inspirational civic leaders are making a major difference in cities across the world. The analysis provides practical lessons for local leaders and a significant contribution to thinking on public service innovation for anyone who wants to change urban society for the better.
Hearing the Voices of the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Communities: Inclusive Community Development.
  Ryder, Andrew/ 9781447313564/ Price:GBP 79.99
Book Cover Over the past decade, interest in Gypsies, Roma and Travellers (GRT) has risen up the political and media agendas, but they remain relatively unknown. This topical book is the first to chart the history and contemporary developments in GRT community activism, and the community and voluntary organisations and coalitions which support it. Underpinned by radical community development and equality theories, it describes the communities' struggle for rights against a backdrop of intense intersectional discrimination across Europe, and critiques the ambivalent role of community development in fostering these campaigns. Much of it co-written by community activists, it is a vehicle for otherwise marginalised voices, and an essential resource and inspiration for practitioners, lecturers, researchers and members of GRT communities.
SC09-432 Neighbourhood Planning: Communities, Networks and Governance.
  Gallent, Nick/ 9781447300076/ Price:GBP 29.99
Book Cover Neighbourhood planning offers a critical analysis of community-based planning activity in England, framed within a broader view of collaborative rationality and its limits. From the recent experience of drawing up parish plans, and attempts to connect these to formal policy frameworks, it identifies lessons for future planning at the neighbourhood scale. It is not a manual on community planning practice, nor does it provide a formula for producing parish or neighbourhood plans. But in the context of the latest 'localism' agenda in England it, first, examines the potential contribution of neighbourhood planning to building a 'collaborative democracy' and, second, asks how much movement towards genuine local partnership, and consensus around development decisions, can be achieved through the rescaling of 'statutory' planning as opposed to expending greater effort locally on building stronger relationships, and generating trust, between 'people and planning'
SC09-431 Promoting Walking and Cycling: New Perspectives on Sustainable Travel.
  Pooley, Colin/ 9781447310082/ Price:GBP 29.99
Book Cover Promoting walking and cycling proposes solutions to one of the most pressing problems in contemporary British transport planning. The need to develop more sustainable urban mobility lies at the heart of energy and environmental policies and has major implications for the planning of cities and for the structure of economy and society. However, most people feel either unable or unwilling to incorporate travel on foot or by bike into their everyday journeys. This book uses innovative quantitative and qualitative research methods to examine in depth, and in an international and historical context, why so many people fail to travel in ways that are deemed by most to be desirable. It proposes evidence-based policy solutions that could increase levels of walking and cycling substantially. This book is essential reading for planners and policy makers developing and implementing transport policies at both national and local levels, plus researchers and students in the field of mobility, transport, sustainability and urban planning.
SC09-431 The Future of Planning: Beyond Growth Dependence.
  Rydin, Yvonne/ 9781447308409/ Price:GBP 23.99
Book Cover For the past half a century, the planning system has operated on the basis of a growth-dependence paradigm. It has been based on market-led urban development and sought to provide community benefits from a share of development profits. However, we don¡¦t live in a world where growth can be taken for granted and we are more aware of the implications for well-being and sustainability. This timely book provides a fresh analysis of the limitations of the growth-dependence planning paradigm. It considers alternative urban development models, ways of protecting and enhancing existing low value land uses and means of managing community assets within the built environment. In each case it spells out the role that a reformed planning system could play establishing a new agenda for planning. The book will be of relevance to planning students, planning professionals and planning academics, as well as urban policy specialists more generally.
SC09-431 The Collaborating Planner?: Practitioners in the Neoliberal Age.
  Clifford, Ben/ 9781447305118/ Price:GBP 85.99
Book Cover Since the turn of the 21st century, there has been a greater pace of reform to planning in Britain than at any other time. As a public sector activity, planning has also been impacted heavily by the wider changes in the way we are governed. Yet whilst such reform has been extensively commented upon within academia, few have empirically explored how these changes are manifesting themselves in planning practice. This new book aims to understand how both specific planning and broader public sector reforms have been experienced and understood by chartered town planners working in local authorities across Great Britain. After setting out the reform context, successive chapters then map responses across the profession to the implementation of spatial planning, to targets, to public participation and to the idea of a 'customer-focused' planning, and to attempts to change the culture of the planning. Each chapter outlines the reaction by the profession to reforms promoted by successive central and devolved governments over the last decade, before considering the broader issues of what this tells us about how modernisation is rolled-out by frontline public servants. This accessible book fills a gap in the market and makes ideal reading for students and researchers interested in the UK planning system.
SC09-431 Regenerating Deprived Urban Areas: A Cross-National Analysis of Area-based Initiatives.
  Hohmann, Rene P./ 9781447310785/ Price:GBP 85.99
Book Cover In the face of continuing challenges of urban decline, an increasing local policy activism can be observed in a number of European countries. The implementation of area-based initiatives (ABIs) for deprived urban areas, such as The ¡¥New Deal for Communities¡¦ in England and the ¡¥Social City Programme¡¦ in Germany, are examples of these New Localism(s). ABIs can be seen as test-beds for new forms of urban governance seeking to foster an active participation of residents and the Voluntary Sector. Based upon a comparative research in two cities, Bristol in England and Duisburg in Germany, this book is the first to cross-nationally compare the impacts of ABIs in two deprived urban areas in England and Germany. It evaluates the impacts of these New Localism(s) on organisations and development actors at the neighbourhood level. Using a rich data-set and applying a hands-on methodology it applies a mixed method approach to help the reader with a wider spectrum of illustrations and is aimed at those studying and working in the field of urban regeneration and planning.
SC09-428 Welcome to the Green Village.
  Ad van Wijk/ 9781614992837/ Price:EUR 25.00
Book Cover A sustainable world can only be achieved by an open collaboration between science, business and the public. That is why we create the Green Village: an innovative, lively, interactive and challenging environment where entrepreneurs, innovators, companies, artists, teachers and visitors can meet, work and play to develop, apply and experience innovative sustainable products and solutions. In the Green Village you will find Future Labs for paradigmshifting system research, resulting in icon projects such as the Car Park Power Plant, the Harp and the Energy Wall. The Green Village will be sustainably powered by the Engines, with ¡¥heart¡¦, ¡¥veins¡¦ and ¡¥lungs¡¦ that supply energy and water, treat waste water and solid waste into useful new products and provide energy and transport fuels like electricity and hydrogen. It will also house the Greentech Store, an innovative co-making shop for 3D printing, apps, crowd funding and more. And it will be the stage for many sustainability Events: exhibitions, shows, contests, workshops, games, challenges, conferences, etcetera.
SC09-428 Response of Piled Buildings to the Construction of Deep Excavations.
  Korff, Many/ 9781614992738/ Price:EUR 80.00
Book Cover This book presents the results of an extensive research project conducted at the University of Cambridge, in cooperation with the Netherlands Centre of Underground Construction (COB) and Deltares, the Dutch Institute for water, subsurface and infrastructure issues. The study gained insight into mechanisms of soil-structure interaction for piled buildings adjacent to deep excavations and resulted in suggestions for designing and monitoring deep excavations in urban areas with soft soil conditions. Monitoring data of the construction of three deep excavations for the North¡VSouth metro line in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, have been used to validate the methods described.
SC09-426 Large Housing Estates: Ideas, Rise, Fall and Recovery: The Bijlmermeer and beyond.
  Wassenberg, Frank/ 9781614992318/ Price:EUR 65.00
Book Cover Large housing estates: for some people these three words symbolise all that is wrong in urban planning. Large is wrong, because many people prefer a living surrounding that reflects the human scale. Housing as a single function is wrong, because mixed areas are livelier. And estates are wrong, as these refer to top-down planned areas which the residents themselves have no say in.
SC09-426 Innovation Development for Highly Energy-Efficient Housing: Opportunities and Challenges Related to the Adoption of Passive Houses.
  Mlecnik, Erwin/ 9781614992356/ Price:EUR 80.00
Book Cover In previous years we have seen a recognition of the significant potential that exists for reducing energy use through innovation in residential buildings. This study investigates innovation challenges and identifies opportunities that could lead to a rapid increase in the adoption of highly energy-efficient housing concepts, particularly that of the passive house. To this end, it exemplifies, interprets and develops the innovation adoption theory through an investigation of views and experiences on the supply side, the demand side and the policy side. It highlights successful innovation trajectories and barriers experienced by businesses. It addresses both problems and positive experiences from the perspective of the end user and investigates different policy approaches. As such, the research reveals important features of innovation-adoption strategies in the building sector. It shows how multi-player enterprise collaboration plays a key role, and the study also recommends the development of quality assurance schemes. It makes a valuable contribution to discussions about how active the role of government policymakers and enterprise networks should be.
SC09-426 Competition between Social and Private Rental Housing.
  Lennartz, Christian/ 9781614991922/ Price:EUR 65.00
Book Cover In the context of shifting regulatory approaches and changing provision structures in many Western rental housing systems, the notion of competition between social and private rental housing has received increasing attention from practitioners and academic researchers. This thesis explores and theorizes the concept of inter-tenure competition in order to advance understanding of what it means in local and national market realities, as well as in business and political practices. Results indicate that competition in mixed markets is a complex matter, much of which is explained by the distinctive properties of social and private rental services. Inter-tenure competition is shown to be the interplay of structural and political conditions, individual and organizational business goals, and the perceptions and strategic decisions of both providers and consumers. The results suggest that the degree of competition relates to specific points in time and is mainly a question of which rental market segment one is looking at.
SC09-426 West European Housing Systems in a Comparative Perspective.
  Harry Van Der Heijden/ 9781614991946/ Price:EUR 55.00
Book Cover The results provide deeper insight into comparative research methodologies and the viability of existing theories as a framework for analyzing differences and similarities in the development of housing systems in West European countries. One of the key issues is the practicability of this framework in future policy making. Especially Kemeny¡¦s theory on rental markets appears to offer a valuable framework to evaluate policy strategies. Therefore the book is not only relevant to academics but also to policy-makers.
The Future of Planning: Beyond Growth Dependence.
  Rydin, Yvonne/ 9781447308416/ Price:GBP 79.99
Book Cover For the past half a century, the planning system has operated on the basis of a growth-dependence paradigm. It has been based on market-led urban development and sought to provide community benefits from a share of development profits. However, we don¡¦t live in a world where growth can be taken for granted and we are more aware of the implications for well-being and sustainability. This timely book provides a fresh analysis of the limitations of the growth-dependence planning paradigm. It considers alternative urban development models, ways of protecting and enhancing existing low value land uses and means of managing community assets within the built environment. In each case it spells out the role that a reformed planning system could play establishing a new agenda for planning. The book will be of relevance to planning students, planning professionals and planning academics, as well as urban policy specialists more generally.
Promoting Walking and Cycling: New Perspectives on Sustainable Travel.
  Pooley, Colin/ 9781447310075/ Price:GBP 85.99
In the face of continuing challenges of urban decline, an increasing local policy activism can be observed in a number of European countries. The implementation of area-based initiatives (ABIs) for deprived urban areas, such as The ¡¥New Deal for Communities¡¦ in England and the ¡¥Social City Programme¡¦ in Germany, are examples of these New Localism(s). ABIs can be seen as test-beds for new forms of urban governance seeking to foster an active participation of residents and the Voluntary Sector. Based upon a comparative research in two cities, Bristol in England and Duisburg in Germany, this book is the first to cross-nationally compare the impacts of ABIs in two deprived urban areas in England and Germany. It evaluates the impacts of these New Localism(s) on organisations and development actors at the neighbourhood level. Using a rich data-set and applying a hands-on methodology it applies a mixed method approach to help the reader with a wider spectrum of illustrations and is aimed at those studying and working in the field of urban regeneration and planning.
SC09-422 Neighbourhood Planning: Communities, Networks and Governance.
  Gallent, Nick/ 9781447300069/ Price:GBP 85.99
Neighbourhood planning offers a critical analysis of community-based planning activity in England, framed within a broader view of collaborative rationality and its limits. From the recent experience of drawing up parish plans, and attempts to connect these to formal policy frameworks, it identifies lessons for future planning at the neighbourhood scale. It is not a manual on community planning practice, nor does it provide a formula for producing parish or neighbourhood plans. But in the context of the latest 'localism' agenda in England it, first, examines the potential contribution of neighbourhood planning to building a 'collaborative democracy' and, second, asks how much movement towards genuine local partnership, and consensus around development decisions, can be achieved through the rescaling of 'statutory' planning as opposed to expending greater effort locally on building stronger relationships, and generating trust, between 'people and planning'
SC09-422 Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development in China: Hong Kong in Global Context.
  Harris, Paul G./ 9781447305071/ Price:GBP 28.99
Drawing on practices and theories of sustainability, Environmental policy and sustainable development in China explores the prospects for achieving environmentally benign economic and social development in China and beyond. Using the Chinese 'world city' of Hong Kong as a backdrop and case study, it introduces major conceptions of sustainability, describes historical and political contexts for environmental policymaking, and analyses key challenges related to sustainable development, including air pollution, water quality, waste, transport and climate change. The book will be a valuable and unique resource for students, teachers and readers interested in environmental policy, sustainable development and ecological governance, especially in China and Hong Kong.
SC09-413 Economic Analysis of Neighbourhood Quality, Neighbourhood Reputation and the Housing Market.
  Koopman, Marnix/ 9781614990321/ Price:EUR 45.00
Residents know exactly what their neighbourhood is like. House-hunters, on the other hand, must find out for themselves about the intangible social quality of a neighbourhood. As a simple rule of thumb, neighbourhood reputation can offer them an assessment of neighbourhood quality. In this research, regression analyses are applied to test whether neighbourhood reputations are being used as a proxy measure for neighbourhood quality in residential mobility choices and establishing the price of homes. The empirical results go beyond answering this research question. What price, for instance, do residents place on liveability? Why does urban restructuring so often fail to change the social make-up of an area, despite a marked increase in owner-occupation? Why does gentrification appear to emerge spontaneously, while deliberate attempts to gentrify an area often fail? How does a neighbourhood acquire that ¡¥golden edge¡¦? This book also provides the answers to the above policy-oriented questions.
SC09-409 The Future of Sustainable Cities: Critical Reflections.
  Flint, John/ 9781847426666/ Price:GBP 29.99
This book investigates how the meanings and politics of urban sustainability are being radically rethought in response to the economic downturn and the credit crunch. In this ground-breaking contribution, prominent scholars provide up to date coverage of the impacts of recent changes on key areas of urban planning, including housing, transport, and the environment, and map out core areas for future research.
SC09-416 Biophilic Cities: Integrating Nature into Urban Design and Planning.
  Beatley, Timothy/ 9781597267151/ Price:US$ 37.00
SC09-411 Balanceren tussen Uitvoering en Bewuste Afwijking van Beleid.
  Dankert, Ritske/ 9789051995275/ Price:EUR 80.00
In hun strategisch voorraadbeleid beschrijven woningcorporaties welke aanpassingen ze in hun woningbezit willen doorvoeren. Tegelijkertijd kan het in de praktijk soms verstandig zijn dat zij van hun beleid afwijken, bijvoorbeeld omdat er nieuwe inzichten zijn, of omdat er beren op de weg komen die je beter kunt mijden. In dit boek wordt ingegaan op de vraag hoe het implementatieproces van strategisch voorraadbeleid verloopt. Het bevat uitgebreide casestudies, uitgevoerd bij vier woningcorporaties, waarin meerdere uitvoeringsprojecten van begin tot eind zijn gereconstrueerd. Daarbij is in beeld gebracht welke middelen corporaties gebruiken om beleid en uitvoering met elkaar te verbinden. Ook is gezocht naar de balans tussen enerzijds het uitvoeren van voorgenomen beleid en anderzijds het bewust afwijken van voorgenomen beleid op basis van nieuwe ontwikkelingen en veranderende inzichten. De belangrijkste uitkomsten van deze studie komen samen in een balansmodel, waarmee gereflecteerd kan worden op implementatieprocessen bij woningcorporaties.
SC09-411 Housing Wealth in Retirement Strategies: Towards Understanding and New Hypotheses.
  Toussaint, Janneke/ 9781607507802/ Price:EUR 65.00
What is the current role of housing wealth in household retirement strategies across the European Union member states, and could this role be extended? This question is often raised by researchers and policymakers as governments search for ways to cut pensions expenditure. Owner-occupation could potentially be part of a solution as the retired are often rich in terms of housing wealth. The existing theory shows that owning one's own home can be regarded as a form of pension: once the mortgage has been repaid, housing expenses are substantially lower and housing wealth can also be cashed in, either by selling or using equity release schemes. However, converting housing assets into cash is a much less common strategy than expected. This book contributes to existing knowledge by relating household strategies to broader national contexts. The countries included in the study are Belgium, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden and United Kingdom, while the Netherlands is the subject of particular attention. The study suggests that owner-occupation is not the clear-cut solution that governments might have hoped for.
SC09-411 On Measuring and Explaining Neighbourhood Succes: A Behavioural Economic Approach.
  Adriaanse, Carlinde/ 9781607507864/ Price:EUR 45.00
This study combines qualitative and quantitative research methods to explain which factors contribute to a problem-free or problematic functioning of neighbourhoods in general and especially of Dutch neighbourhoods that were built in the first years after World War II. An important part of the book is about the development of measuring instruments. Special attention is given to the development of a risk scale that offers researchers and policymakers the opportunity to distinguish on a metric level between problematic and successful neighbourhoods. This book brings together key insights from urban studies and central elements of Behavioural Game Theory. The author applies the notions of strong reciprocity and altruistic punishment in Prisoner¡¦s Dilemmas and Assurance Games. With these notions she describes and explains the interdependent choices that residents make when they act as producers and maintainers of the social climate of a problem-free early post-World War II neighbourhood.
SC09-411 Bicycle Commuting.
  Heinen, Eva/ 9781607507710/ Price:EUR 65.00
Cycling is cheaper, healthier and, in urban environments, often faster than other modes of transport . Nevertheless, many individuals do not cycle even for short distances . This publication aims to explain why commuters differ in their decisions as to whether or not to cycle. Results indicate that the individual (day-to-day) choice to commute by bicycle is affected by personal attitudes towards cycling to work, social norms, the work situation, weather conditions and trip characteristics. In addition, the book provides evidence that different groups of bicycle commuters exist: non-cyclists, part-time cyclists and full-time cyclists. The mode choice of individuals within these groups depends partly on a number of different factors. Non-cyclists seem not to cycle because they consider it impractical, either due to the distance involved, their need to transport goods, the need for a car during office hours or a negative subjective norm. The decision to cycle among part-time or full-time cyclists is also affected by these factors, but additional factors can be identified. Finally, the day-to-day choice to cycle is based on work characteristics, weather conditions and trip characteristics. Part-time cyclists who cycle only occasionally are encouraged by pleasant weather conditions, while frequent cyclists are found to be discouraged by more practical barriers, such as where they need to work on a particular day.
SC09-409 Urban Reflections: Narratives of Place, Planning and Change.
  Tewdwr-Jones, Mark/ 9781847428417/ Price:GBP 31.99
Urban Reflections looks at how places change, the role of planners in bringing about urban change, and the public's attitudes to that change. Drawing on geographical, cinematic and photographic readings, the book offers a fresh incisive story of urban change, one that evokes both real and imagined perspectives of places and planning, and questions what role and purpose urban planning serves in the 21st century. It will interest urban and architectural historians, planners, geographers and all concerned with understanding urban planning and attitudes toward the contemporary city.
SC09-407 The Purpose of Planning: Creating Sustainable Towns and Cities.
  Rydin, Yvonne/ 9781847424303/ Price:GBP 17.99
Planning is never far from the top of the policy or media agenda, whether this concerns 'garden-grabbing', the location of wind farms or protests about travellers' sites. The operation of the planning system raises strong views, even passions, and is highly political. Planners have to engage with developers working on multi-million pound schemes and the local communities that will be affected by such schemes. And throughout, they have to work in the public interest, delivering on broad policy goals and meeting the needs of vulnerable communities. This book is about the way that the planning system works, what it can do, what it cannot do and how it should evolve to meet the challenges of the 21st century. It looks at a range of issues to unlock the purpose of planning by being positive about the role of planning while remaining realistic about its achievements and potential. Written in a clear and accessible manner, this book will be essential reading for students studying planning in a variety of disciplines and practitioners engaging with the planning system.
SC09-405 Adapting Land Administration to the Institutional Framework of Customary Tenure: The Case of Peri-Urban Ghana.
  Arko-Adjei, Anthony/ 9781607507468/ Price:EUR 65.00
Historical experience in many Sub-Saharan African countries demonstrates that an alternative approach to conventional land administration methods is required to appropriately secure tenure and administer land rights in customary areas. This book is about dealing with the dynamics of customary tenure and with land governance and institutional capacity issues necessary to implement land administration at the local level. Methods for implementing land administration systems at the local level have been presented in a three-phased tenure model. The author concludes that customary tenure institutions have their own mechanisms for adapting to societal change, and a desirable solution would therefore be to adapt land administration to the institutional framework of customary tenure. The information in this book will be essential for academic work in land administration in developing countries. It will prove a useful reference for policy makers and practitioners in the land administration field.
Understanding the Environment and Social Policy.
  Fitzpatrick, Tony/ 9781847423801/ Price:GBP 79.99
Bringing together leading experts, this textbook explores the key social, political, economic and moral challenges that environmental problems pose for social policy in a global context. Combining theory and practice with an interdisciplinary approach, the book reviews the current strategies and policies and provides a critique of proposed future developments in the field. Understanding the environment and social policy guides the reader through the subject in an accessible way using chapter summaries, further reading, recommended webpages, a glossary and questions for discussion. Providing a much-needed overview, the book will be invaluable reading for students, teachers, activists, practitioners and policymakers.
The Community Development Reader: History, Themes And Issues.
  Craig, Gary/ 9781847427052/ Price:GBP 85.99
Community development emerged as a recognisable occupational activity in the United Kingdom in the 1950s. Since then, whilst struggling to remain true to its basic values it has often been manipulated to serve differing policy and political purposes. This unique Reader traces its changing fortunes through a selection of readings from key writers. It will be invaluable to those pursuing community development careers, for activists, and for all those teaching, training and practising community development.
SC09-416 Actual Energy Consumption in Dwellings: The Effect of Energy Performance Regulations and Occupant Behaviour.
  Santin, Olivia S./ 9781607506508/ Price:EUR 45.00
Residential buildings have continuously improved in energy efficiency, partly as a consequence of the introduction of energy regulations in many countries. Although better thermal properties and systems efficiency have lowered energy consumption for space heating in recent decades, substantial differences in energy consumption in similar dwellings are still being observed. These differences in consumption are thought to be caused by differences in occupancy patterns, by quality of construction and by rebound effects. This research addresses the effect of energy performance regulations and occupant behavior on energy consumption for space and water heating in dwellings built after the introduction of the energy performance regulations in the Netherlands. The results of this research show that improving the energy efficiency of buildings alone is not enough to decrease that energy consumption. The large differences found in the use of dwellings indicate that, especially in energy efficient houses, occupant behavior provides an opportunity for further reductions in the energy consumption for space heating which could boost the efforts to conserve energy worldwide.
SC09-404 The Urban Code of China.
  Hassenpflug, Dieter/ 9783034605724/ Price:EUR 37.95
SC09-399 Measuring and Explaining House Price Developments.
  de Vries, Paul/ 9781607506652/ Price:EUR 45.00
This study discusses ways of measuring and explaining the development of house prices. The goal of the research underpinning this dissertation was to develop a methodological framework for studying these developments. This framework relates, first, to correcting for changes in the composition of dwellings and, second, to the fundamentals of the price development. Using the weighted repeat sales method and sale price appraisal ratio (SPAR) method, house price indexes were developed for the Netherlands. Both the Dutch land registry office and Statistics Netherlands publish the SPAR based house price index monthly. To explain and predict changes in prices, a house price model is presented. As suggested in literature on western housing markets, the Dutch house price developments can be explained by demand-oriented short-run term variables and a long-run term variable. Using the house price model, this work identifies the fundamental factors in the development of house prices, a long-run equilibrium between interest payments and income, and the weak relationship on an aggregated level between house prices and newly built dwellings.
SC09-399 Environmental Impacts During the Operational Phase of Residential Buildings.
  Blom, Inge/ 9781607506737/ Price:EUR 45.00
To date, the focus in the field of sustainable building has been on new building design. However, existing residential buildings inflict great environmental burden through three causes: continuous energy consumption, regular building maintenance and replacements. This publication analyses and compares these three causes of environmental burden and shows that material resources needed for replacements generally have a limited potential to reduce environmental impact. Reducing energy consumption for climate control and electrical appliances is much more effective. According to the author, sustainable measures should be tested for shifts in the kind of environmental impact caused due to the use of alternative types of energy resources and altered material quantities. The sustainability of the electricity supply is essential to decrease the total environmental impact of the residential building stock.
SC09-399 Divergence in European Welfare and Housing Systems.
  Hoekstra, Joris/ 9781607506676/ Price:EUR 45.00
This book explores the relationship between the characteristics of the welfare state and the characteristics of the housing system (housing policies, housing outcomes and housing market developments) in different European countries. It consists of a theoretical framework, six published articles and a concluding chapter. All six articles use the welfare state regime theory and typology of Esping-Andersen, the housing system typology of Kemeny or both, or at least some aspects of these, as an explanatory framework. The results of the investigations indicate that there are considerable differences between the various European housing systems. As far as this is concerned, especially the Southern European countries occupy a rather distinct position. For this reason, two articles in the study specifically focus on the Southern European housing system of Spain. The book is relevant for both academics and policy-makers who are interested in international housing and housing policy developments.
SC09-397 Phoenix Cities: The Fall and Rise of Great Industrial Cities.
  Power, Anne/ 9781847426833/ Price:GBP 37.99
'Weak market cities' across European and America, or 'core cities' as they were in their heyday, went from being 'industrial giants' dominating their national, and eventually the global, economy, to being 'devastation zones'. In a single generation three quarters of all manufacturing jobs disappeared, leaving dislocated, impoverished communities, run down city centres and a massive population exodus.So how did Europeans react? And how different was their response from America's? This book looks closely at the recovery trajectories of seven European cities from very different regions of the EU. Their dramatic decline, intense recovery efforts and actual progress on the ground underline the significance of public underpinning in times of crisis. Innovative enterprises, new-style city leadership, special neighbourhood programmes and skills development are all explored. The American experience, where cities were largely left 'to their own devices', produced a slower, more uncertain recovery trajectory. This book will provide much that is original and promising to all those wanting to understand the ground-level realities of urban change and progress.
SC09-397 The Rural Housing Question: Community and Planning in Britain's Countrysides.
  Satsangi, Madhu/ 9781847423849/ Price:GBP 31.99
For the past century, governments have been compelled, time and again, to return to the search for solutions to the housing and economic challenges posed by a restructuring countryside. The rural housing question is an analysis of the complexity of housing and development tensions in the rural areas of England, Wales and Scotland. It analyses a range of topics: from attitudes to rural development, economic change, land use, planning and counter-urbanisation; through retirement and ageing, leisure consumption, lifestyle shifts and homelessness; to public and private house building, private and public renting and community initiatives. Across this spectrum of concerns, it attempts to isolate the fundamental tensions that give the rural housing question an intractable quality. The book is aimed at policy makers, researchers, students and anyone with an interest in the future of the British countryside.
SC09-395 Puzzling Neighbourhood Effects: Spatial Selection, Ethnic Concentration and Neighbourhood Impacts.
  Doff, Wenda/ 9781607506485/ Price:EUR 45.00
Like other West European countries, the Netherlands are facing a growing uneasiness about its changing demographics. It is within this context that animated discussions concerning immigrant neighbourhoods dominate. The general opinion is that living in such neighbourhoods hinders the 'integration' of immigrants into Dutch society. This book contributes to the academic and policy debate by not only examining the effects of ethnic concentration, but also by finding out how people are sorted into neighbourhoods. Bringing together different bodies of literature, this book offers a more holistic view of the creation of ethnic residential segregation and its potential significance for individual life chances.
SC09-391 Home Ownership: Getting In, Getting From, Getting Out. Part III.
  Doling, John/ 9781607505488/ Price:EUR 50.00
This book provides an overview of the effects of home ownership, a housing sector that has grown rapidly in recent years in many countries, not least because this is normally encouraged by governments. The first part of the subtitle, ¡¥Getting in¡¦, refers to processes in the development of the homeownership stock including problems of access, which in turn implies issues of affordability, the viability of financial institutions and subsidies. ¡¥Getting from¡¦ indicates that this form of housing tenure may provide households with advantages such as wealth accumulation and independence that may not be available to tenants. Finally, the last section ¡¥getting out¡¦ refers to the risks associated with home ownership such as the fact that their tenure positions may be founded on their ability to meet loan repayments. This publication is a follow-up to Home ownership: Getting in, getting form and getting out, parts I and II, and is a result of the conference ¡¥Building on home ownership; housing policies and social strategies¡¦ in Delft, organized by the ENHR working group Home ownership & Globalisation and hosted by OTB Research Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies, Delft University of Technology. Part III provides an overview of the most recent research results in this field.
SC09-391 Strategy as Force: Towards Effective Strategies for Urban Development Projects: The Case of Rotterdam CityPorts.
  Daamen, Tom/ 9781607505518/ Price:EUR 75.00
In urban development practices throughout Europe, there is a recurring need for new perspectives that provide insight into the complexity involved in the realization of projects. This need exists particularly around prestigious projects, where the tension between planning ambitions on the one hand and the reality of conflicting interests and tight budgets on the other, reaches its highest point. In the Netherlands, it is also likely that this tension will not decrease in the coming years. This is a sufficient reason for an investigation into strategies for urban development projects. This publication combines several existing scientific insights around the phenomenon 'strategy'. Here, strategy is recognized as force. The term ¡¥force¡¦ emphasizes that a strategy, as opposed to a plan, provides those involved with the capacity to respond to the continuously changing reality of an urban development project. Thus, an effective strategy not only consists of making plans, but also includes three other strategic activities: venturing, learning and visioning. These insights are then specified on the basis of the remarkable case of Rotterdam CityPorts ¡V a project between city and port in which political and economic forces are especially amplified. It leads the author to develop a comprehensible theoretical model that reflects the complexity occurring in the realization of contemporary urban development projects. This strategy-as-force model is useful for both scientists and practitioners.
SC09-391 The 1996 Zambia National Housing Policy.
  Makasa, Paul/ 9781607505662/ Price:EUR 80.00
Devising a workable housing policy in a country with apparently insurmountable housing problems, presents a great challenge. With the help of an award from UN-HABITAT, Zambian authorities attempted to do just this, in a process which is an ideal candidate for scrutiny. This study analyzes the goals, means and instruments that were used to formulate the policy, as well as its planned implementation. It examines whether the policy could have achieved its goals had it been implemented, and represents a valuable addition to the body of knowledge which can help to evaluate the potential for success of future housing policies. With its innovative work and the insights it offers into achieving policy implementation in the developing nations of sub-Saharan Africa, this book will be of value to students, academics and practitioners in policy formulation analysis and implementation.
SC09-391 Unequal Networks: Spatial Segregation, Relationships and Inequality in the City.
  Gwen Van Eijk/ 9781607505556/ Price:EUR 80.00
Does the neighbourhood in which people live matter for the resourcefulness of their personal network and thus for their opportunities in life? Do residents of a multi-ethnic ¡¥problem¡¦ area maintain fewer relationships with fellow residents compared to residents of a homogeneous problem-free neighbourhood? And do ¡¥diversity-seekers¡¦ who choose to live in a mixed neighbourhood translate their liking for diversity into more mixed networks and more bridging ties? This book brings together key insights from urban studies and network studies in order to understand whether and how spatial segregation matters for personal networks and inequality. By approaching these questions through different urban sociological perspectives, the book engages with current debates on poverty concentration as well as ethnic diversity, gentrification and social capital. The study is based on detailed quantitative and qualitative data on the personal networks of people living in three differently composed neighbourhoods in Rotterdam, the second largest city in the Netherlands.
SC09-387 Urbanism: PhD. Research 2008-2012.
  Van Der Hoeven, F.D./ 9781607500773/ Price:EUR 55.00
This book is a collection of recent PhD papers from the Department of Urbanism, TU Delft. Urbanism is the academic discipline concerned with understanding the spatial organisation and dynamics of urban areas. The quality of the urban environment is a determining factor in the social, economic and environmental performance of societies and the life of citizens. The TU Delft Department of Urbanism seeks to influence the processes of urban change and transformation through explicit design and planning interventions, underpinning practical action to shape the urban environment in a sustainable way. The strong tradition of urbanism in the delta of the Netherlands is a strong factor influencing this major contribution to knowledge and education in the field. Further developments which build on this experience are necessary to address the great challenges of sustainable development, not least with regard to the problems of climate change in delta areas, transformation of brownfield sites and the making of high-quality public space. Of interest to all those committed to building a better urban environment, some of the topics covered in this book include: adaptive environments for human habitats, searching for good urban form, mixed use index (MXI) as a tool for urban planning and analysis and pattern formation in planned urban peripheries.
SC09-387 Out of Office: A Study on the Cause of Office Vacancy and Transformation as a Means to Cope and Prevent.
  Remoy, Hilde/ 9781607505204/ Price:EUR 75.00
The problem of vacant office buildings is an increasingly visible aspect of our cityscapes. A building or space is defined as ¡¥structurally vacant¡¦ when it has been empty for three years or longer. Structural vacancy leads to depreciation, loss of revenues and a general decline in the urban area. There would seem to be too many office buildings, yet despite the number of vacant properties, new office buildings continue to be developed. What is going on? This book examines the causes of long term office vacancies by studying user preferences and the relationship between building characteristics and structural vacancy. 200 office buildings in Amsterdam, a city with a large office market and high vacancy rates, were evaluated; over half of them with structural vacancies. The solution of transformation to residential use is explored and the book concludes with recommendations for preventing problems in future developments. With its suggestions for how to create office buildings with a longer functional and economic lifespan, the book is of practical interest to investors and developers. The establishment of a connection between the worlds of architectural discourse and statistical research makes this book an important resource for scholars and researchers everywhere.
Community Development and Civil Society.
  Henderson, Paul/ 9781861349705/ Price:GBP 79.99
To what extent are the ideas and practice of community development across Europe similar? Community Development and Civil Society explores this question with special reference to the UK and Hungary and shows how community development connects powerfully with civil society, a concept that today has global significance.Paul Henderson and Ilona Vercseg argue that community development is both a profession and a social movement and is relevant to a wide range of issues.They interweave case studies with discussion of principles and theory.The book's critical and accessible approach will appeal especially to students and practitioners.
The Rural Housing Question: Community and Planning in Britain's Countrysides.
  Bevan, Mark/ 9781847423856/ Price:GBP 79.99
For the past century, governments have been compelled, time and again, to return to the search for solutions to the housing and economic challenges posed by a restructuring countryside. The rural housing question is an analysis of the complexity of housing and development tensions in the rural areas of England, Wales and Scotland. It analyses a range of topics: from attitudes to rural development, economic change, land use, planning and counter-urbanisation; through retirement and ageing, leisure consumption, lifestyle shifts and homelessness; to public and private house building, private and public renting and community initiatives. Across this spectrum of concerns, it attempts to isolate the fundamental tensions that give the rural housing question an intractable quality. The book is aimed at policy makers, researchers, students and anyone with an interest in the future of the British countryside.
Residential Self-Selection and Travel: The Relationship Between Travel-Related Attitudes, Built Environment Characteristics and Travel Behaviour.
  Bohte, W./ 9781607506553/ Price:EUR 45.00
Most Western national governments aim to influence individual travel patterns ¡V at least to some degree ¡V through the spatial planning of residential areas. Nevertheless, the extent to which the characteristics of the built environment influence travel behaviour remains the subject of debate among travel behaviour researchers. This work addresses the role of residential-self-selection, an important issue within this debate. Households may not only adjust their travel behaviour to the built environment where they live, but they may also choose a residential location that corresponds to their travel-related attitudes. The empirical analysis in this work is based on data collected through an internet survey and a GPS-based survey, both of which were conducted among homeowners in three centrally located municipalities in the Netherlands. The study showed that residential self-selection has some limited effect on the relationship between distances to activity locations and travel mode use and daily kilometres travelled. The results also indicate that the inclusion of attitudes can help to detecting residential self-selection, provided that studies comply with several preconditions, such as the inclusion of the ¡¥reversed¡¦ influence of behaviour on attitudes.
SC09-416 An Introduction to Community Development.
  Phillips, Rhonda/ 9780415773843/ Price:GBP 105.00
SC09-383 Bridging the Gap Between Social and Market Rented Housing in Six European Countries?
  Haffner, Marietta/ 9781607500353/ Price:EUR 65.00
The once clear demarcation of funding and roles of the social and market rental sectors seems to have become blurred in a number of European countries. Social renting is no longer provided only by non-profit organisations. The central issue in this book is the extent to which a gap can be identified between the social and market rental sectors in six countries in north-west Europe (England, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands). The gap depends on similarities and differences between the two rental sectors. From an empirical viewpoint it conveys who provides what in rental housing, the government policies that are relevant and the outcomes that are achieved. From a theoretical point of view the gap is about the extent to which accommodation in the two sectors can be considered as substitutes by consumers and whether landlords are rivals in attracting tenants
SC09-383 Housing Policy and Housing Finance in the Czech Republic during Transition.
  Lux, Martin/ 9781607500582/ Price:EUR 65.00
This book contains the description and evaluation of a profound housing system reform constituting part of the transition from a centrally planned to a market economy in the Czech Republic. It addresses two goals: to evaluate housing subsidies (reforms) by application of improved methods of welfare economics and, secondly, to list the main factors explaining the particular outcomes of selected reforms. The author applied methods of welfare economics for an evaluation of housing subsidies in a scale unique in housing studies. The analysis of underlying factors influencing formation of housing reforms brought new findings about the essence of transition in post-socialist countries.
SC09-383 Built Environment and Car Travel: Analyses of Interdependencies.
  Maat, Kees/ 9781607500643/ Price:EUR 45.00
An academic and policy debate has been running in recent decades on whether and to what extent travel behaviour is influenced by the built environment. This dissertation addresses the influence on daily travel distance, chaining behaviour, car ownership, and car commuting. As cars are the dominant mode of transport, car travel received most attention. The analyses were based on a comprehensive dataset collected in the North Wing of the Randstad in the Netherlands. The study findings indicate that a more compact urban structure reduces car use. However, the effects are small. One important lesson is that behavioural mechanisms are never simple but invariably elicit compensation. The challenge facing planners is to design cities and neighbourhoods that make it easier to drive less and that are attractive to live in.
SC09-383 Greening Governance: An Evolutionary Approach to Policy Making for a Sustainable Built Environment.
  Ellen van Bueren/ 9781607500780/ Price:EUR 75.00
After twenty years of sustainable building policies, the issue of environmental impact of buildings and urban environments remains. Policy makers still have difficulties addressing the ambiguous, contested and dynamic goals encapsulated in the term ¡¥sustainable development¡¦. How to decide between using zinc or PVC gutters, when knowledge and valuation of environmental risks of both keep changing? How can we accommodate urban growth, now that compact cities turn out to be urban heat islands? Greening governance identifies how policy makers can deal with these contested questions. The book draws on policy network theories that consider stakeholder interaction, negotiation and learning as conditions for policy success. By understanding these conditions from an evolutionary viewpoint it provides a new perspective for governance. The concepts of generative variety, selective retention and regeneration will help policy makers to prioritise and select contested alternatives while also focusing on more long term and ambitious policy goals. The book is of interest to policy makers and scientists concerned with both the practical and theoretical issues of sustainable built environments.
SC09-376 Contracting for Better Places: A Relational Analysis of Development Agreements in Urban Development Projects.
  Van Der Veen, M./ 9781607500056/ Price:EUR 80.00
The dwelling is a central setting in people¡¦s everyday life. People use their dwelling and residential environment for a large variety of activities and purposes. The Meaning of Activities in the Dwelling and Residential Environment systematically relates activities, settings and meanings to improve the insight into people-environment relations which is called a meaning structure approach. Over 600 people, living in either a city centre, suburban or rural type of residential environment were asked about their everyday activities and the meanings thereof. The results show that meanings are important for the way in which people use their dwelling and residential environment. The meaning structure approach allows for a high level of aggregation identifying general meanings of the dwelling, such as a place to be together with family and friends. It also allows for a low level of aggregation, for example, using internet at home has for many people become part of everyday life, providing them with easy access to a wide range of information. This illustrates the usefulness of meaning structures as a tool for investigating people-environment relations.
SC09-376 Towards a Sustainable Northern European Housing Stock: Figures, Facts and Future.
  Itard, Laure/ 9781586039776/ Price:EUR 60.00
Never were energy use and security of energy supply as high on the international political agendas as they are now. There seems to be a consensus that energy savings and sustainable energy production must have a high priority. Because the energy use in the residential and non-residential sectors account for a large part of the total energy use, new programs are being developed in order to limit the consumption of energy in these sectors and a lot of attention is put into increasing the energy efficiency of the existing building stock. Towards a Sustainable Northern European Housing Stock is based on a search and inventory of data on the existing Northern-European building stock and related policy developments. In this book, the authors try to give a realistic image of what is really known about the current quality of the building stock, the type of renovation activities that are undertaken and the policies being currently implemented. Recommendations are also made on how to improve the present situation.
SC09-376 Meaning of Activities in the Dwelling and Residential Environment: A Structural Approach in People-Environment Relations.
  Meesters, Janine/ 9781607500124/ Price:EUR 65.00
The dwelling is a central setting in people¡¦s everyday life. People use their dwelling and residential environment for a large variety of activities and purposes. The Meaning of Activities in the Dwelling and Residential Environment systematically relates activities, settings and meanings to improve the insight into people-environment relations which is called a meaning structure approach. Over 600 people, living in either a city centre, suburban or rural type of residential environment were asked about their everyday activities and the meanings thereof. The results show that meanings are important for the way in which people use their dwelling and residential environment. The meaning structure approach allows for a high level of aggregation identifying general meanings of the dwelling, such as a place to be together with family and friends. It also allows for a low level of aggregation, for example, using internet at home has for many people become part of everyday life, providing them with easy access to a wide range of information. This illustrates the usefulness of meaning structures as a tool for investigating people-environment relations.
SC09-374 New Instruments in Spatial Planning: An International Perspective on Non-Financial Compensation.
  Janssen-Jansen, Leonie/ 9781586039783/ Price:EUR 65.00
New Instruments in Spatial Planning addresses the topic of transferring development opportunities between areas in planning practice by a debate between academics, lawyers and planning practitioners at an international planning symposium in Annapolis, MD, USA and the Van Doorne-Habiforum conference on Transferable Development Rights a year later. The idea of transferring development opportunities between areas is more than only the transfer of development rights. It relates more to compensation: not in money, but in a non-financial perspective. A comparative study on non-financial compensation was started, funded by Habiforum and linked to a number of research projects, such as Van Der Veen¡¦s and Spaans¡¦ research funded by the Delft Centre for Sustainable Urban Areas and Janssen-Jansen¡¦s research funded by the Dutch Scientific Organization NWO-STIP. The chapters in this publication are representative of a close cooperation between planners, economists and lawyers from both science and planning practice. The exchange of knowledge within the framework of this book has arisen from divergent paths.
SC09-371 Performance Measurement in the Dutch Social Rented Sector.
  Koopman, Marnix/ 9781586039615/ Price:EUR 45.00
The contributions in Performance measurement in the Dutch social rented sector address the societal and practical needs of housing associations, in order to develop better instruments for performance measurement. The provision of useful instruments allows for more transparency and thus improved external control over housing associations. At the same time these instruments should benefit the internal control and planning processes of the housing associations. The identification of Key Performance Indicators, as well as the input, throughput and output indicators that are bound up with it, facilitates the choice, implementation and (re-)shaping of policy alternatives and the justification for choosing among these alternatives. The contributions in this work do not address the overall scope of performance measurement and performance indicators reflecting the impact of housing. The range of examples covered in the book is related to the public tasks of Dutch housing association. As well as offering practical instruments for performance measurement for specific public tasks, the book ascertains a general guideline for performance management by housing associations. For this purpose the tools that are provided by the conceptual systems approach have been used as a framework. Most of the chapters are a mixture of theoretical or conceptual ideas and practical techniques.
SC09-416 Planning for Place and Plexus: Metropolitan Land Use and Transport.
  Levinson, David M./ 9780415774901/ Price:GBP 125.00
SC09-371 The Meaning of Dwelling Features: Conceptual and Methodological Issues.
  Coolen, Henny/ 9781586039554/ Price:EUR 55.00
The Meaning of Dwelling Features. Conceptual and Methodological Issues relates the research areas of housing preferences and the meaning of a dwelling with each other and with aspects of the means-end approach as applied in marketing research. It results in a conceptual and methodological framework for studying the meaning of preferences for dwelling features. These features are viewed as functional for achieving the goals and values that people pursue. The meaning of dwelling features lies in these functional relationships. The model presented in this study therefore relates preferences for the features of a dwelling to the meaning they have for people. These relationships are called meaning structures. Meaning structures are measured by a semi-structured interviewing technique, which is an adapted version of the laddering technique for measuring means-end chains, and network methods are used for the representation and analysis of these meaning structures.
SC09-371 Urbanism on Track: Application of Tracking Technologies in Urbanism.
  van Schaick, J./ 9781586038175/ Price:EUR 70.00
Tracking technologies such as GPS, mobile phone tracing, video and RFID monitoring are rapidly becoming part of daily life. Technological progress offers huge possibilities for studying human activity patterns in time and space in new ways. Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) held an international expert meeting in early 2007 to investigate the current and future possibilities and limitations of the application of tracking technologies in urban design and spatial planning. This book is the result of that expert meeting. Urbanism on Track introduces the reader to the basics of tracking research and provides insight into its advantages above other research techniques. But it also shows the bottlenecks in gathering and processing data and applying research results to real-life problems. Urbanism on Track showcases tracking experiments in urban studies, planning and design ¡V from pedestrian navigation in Austria to Danish field tests, from TU Delft's Spatial Metro project to MIT's Real Time Rome and last but not least the Sense of the City project realised in Eindhoven. Urbanism on Track discusses the relevance of tracking for policy making, the possibilities of a new cartography and the implementation of tracking technologies in urban design and planning. This makes Urbanism on Track a unique book, setting the agenda for the structural embedment of research using tracking technologies in urbanism.
SC09-371 Improving Institutions for Green Landscapes in Metropolitan Areas.
  Evelien van Rij/ 9781586039448/ Price:EUR 60.00
Improving Institutions for Green Landscapes in Metropolitan Areas investigates how various institutions for green landscapes in metropolitan areas work, which problems hamper them, and how these institutions can be improved. Themes, theories and methods have been selected as a response to the case studies. The following themes were formulated: landscape and institutional developments, the market or government dilemma, the network or hierarchy dilemma, the relation between spatial planning and land development, and Slow Planning and incremental institutional change. Except from the Flemish Park Forest Ghent project, a reflection case, this research examined the Dutch situation and in particular the land consolidation and contemporary developments in Midden-Delfland, the cross-subsidy approach in the Bloemendalerpolder and the National Landscape Laag Holland. The most important methodological recommendation for research in the field of planning, law and economics is to use a multi-theory approach and to select methodology and theory based on the case study data.
SC09-371 The Challenge of Change: Dealing with the Legacy of the Modern Movement.
  Dirk van den Heuvel/ 9781586039172/ Price:EUR 90.00
Conservation of architecture - and the conversation of Modern architecture in particular ¡V has assumed new challenges. Rather than attempting to return a Modern building to its resumed original state, the challenge of these proceedings is to revalue the essence of the manifold manifestations of Modern architecture and redefine its meanings in a rapidly changing world of digital revolution, worldwide mobility and environmental awareness. This volume aims to provide a variety of platforms for the exchange of ideas and experience. A large, international group of architects, historians, scholars, preservationists and other parties involved in the processes of preserving, renovating and transforming Modern buildings has been invited to investigate the paradox of the Modern monument, and to reflect on the manifold dilemmas of change and continuity. The general theme is elaborated through five sub-themes. The sub-theme ¡¥Change and Continuity¡¦ addresses the tensions between change and continuity from a historical-theoretical perspective. ¡¥Restructuring Cities and Landscapes¡¦ focuses on the larger scale of city and landscape, while ¡¥Shifts in Programme and Flexibility¡¦ draws attention to the scale of the building or building complex, and questions limits of re-use and flexibility. The fourth sub-theme deals with education and the fifth sub-theme ¡¥Progress, Technology and Sustainability¡¦ considers specific issues of techniques and materials.
SC09-371 Planning from the Bottom up: Democratic Decentralisation in Action.
  Pal, Anirban/ 9781586039103/ Price:EUR 50.00
Planning from the Bottom up highlights the gap between the official rhetoric and the political reality of democratic decentralisation and bottom-up planning using an in-depth study of the metropolitan planning process in Kolkata, India. The key issue addressed here is how elected officials at different governmental levels, professional planners, and ordinary citizens interact in the process of metropolitan planning, and which players dominate the process. The focus is on the dynamic interactions between planners and the operation of the political process that shapes this reality. This book illustrates that there are differences in the real motives for the state to pursue decentralisation and what it claims to be behind its decentralisation policy and that the planning process is unlikely to be truly bottom-up if power is concentrated within any one political party. It also depicts how external funding, either from international agencies or higher levels of government, has the potential to force change in the local and regional structures of decision-making so that the voices of ordinary people can be included in public decision-making; for the effective implementation of bottom-up approaches to metropolitan planning the planning bureaucracy needs to be independent of the political class and bottom-up planning requires that planning capacity be built from a grassroots level. This requires devolution of both responsibilities and means/resources to carry out those responsibilities to the lowest level of planning.
SC09-363 Environmental Indicators for Building Design: Development and Application on Mexican Dwellings.
  Santin, Olivia G./ 9781586038946/ Price:EUR 50.00
The ultimate goal of building and construction ¡V in relation to environmental issues ¡V is to construct in an environmentally neutral way; or, as the Brundtland Report states, to consume in such a way that our children have the same choices that we have. Construction will always be needed, and will always consume resources. But in accordance with the conditions of the Brundtland Report, we should move construction into a direction that does not deplete resources, and does not worsen living circumstances through harmful indoor or outdoor environmental effects. Improving our efficiency in resource consumption is the only way in which we will be able to continue our current way of life. It has been calculated that in order to (only) maintain the world average lifestyle a factor 4 of improvement in efficiency of resource consumption is necessary, based on global resource availability, effects on climate change, and coping with growing welfare for developing countries. Measuring a factor x improvement heavily relates to the chosen benchmark. Building activities will always require some environmental load: the mere fact of living already implies use of earthbound resources, so it is generally not very efficient to calculate emissions and other effects in an absolute way. The ultimate target is not to avoid resource use at all, but to use only ¡§reproductive resources¡¨ (¡§regrowable, renewable and replaceable¡¨) to create a balanced situation. When this is achieved, we will still use resources, but usage will be sustainable: it can be maintained well into the future. In developing an approach for assessing sustainable building, the Three Step Strategy (in the Netherlands named Trias Ecologica) has proven to be useful. This publication takes a detailed look at this Strategy.
SC09-361 The Institutionalisation of European Spatial Planning.
  Waterhout, Bas/ 9781586038823/ Price:EUR 45.00
SC09-361 The Purchasing of Maintenance Service Delivery in the Dutch Social Housing Sector: Optimising Commodity Strategies for Delivering Maintenance Services to Tenants.
  Johan Hendrik van Mossel/ 9781586038779/ Price:EUR 65.00
Dutch housing associations have a market share of about 33% of the entire Dutch housing stock. They spent around 2.8 billion Euros a year on the maintenance of dwellings, of which external suppliers account for approximately 89%. External service suppliers can as such be seen as an extension of the housing associations in fulfilling their public tasks and private objectives. Maintenance service delivery gives an opportunity for high quality interaction with tenants. At the moment maintenance service delivery appears to be of a suboptimal quality leading to a lower than potential tenant satisfaction. With this an essential part of the objectives of housing associations is not fulfilled optimally. This research reveals the essential determinants of maintenance service quality in order to promote tenant satisfaction. Commodity strategies for the purchasing of maintenance services are developed which make its optimization possible from the perspective of tenant satisfaction
SC09-356 The Urban Decision Room: An Urban Management Instrument.
  P. P. Van Loon/ 9789051995190/ Price:EUR 60.00
First of all, this book is intended to give the reader a simple introduction to the UDR system in definitions and diagrams. Second, it demonstrates the model-based construction of the system in terms of urban planning. Third, it focuses on the planning methodological function of the system in design and decision-making activities which occur in the process of urban development. The Urban Decision Room (UDR) should be placed in the tradition of urban planning design and planning discipline that is taught, and into which research is carried out, at the Faculty of Architecture at the Delft University of Technology. The UDR was developed at the faculty as one of the new design and planning methods with its own specific features.
SC09-356 Home Ownership Beyond Asset and Security.
  Elsinga, Marja/ 9781586038304/ Price:EUR 45.00
This book is the conclusion of a body of research that started with a workshop held at the University of York in October 2000, and which resulted in the book Globalisation and home ownership. Experiences in eight member states of the European Union (Doling & Ford, 2003). The collated information lifted thinking beyond ¡¥politics¡¦, linking developments on home ownership with developments in the financial and labour markets in the context of globalization. It led to the insight that to understand developments in different countries it is indispensable to work with an international research team that has awareness of historical roots and cultural idiosyncrasies. This was the basis for the proposal called OSIS - Origins of security and insecurity (OSIS): the interplay of housing systems with jobs, household structures, finance and social security - which was awarded funding as a Specific Targeted Research Project under the 6th Framework Programme. This offered teams in Belgium, Finland, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, and the United Kingdom the opportunity to deepen their studies by following two avenues of research. The first was a quantitative research approach which resulted in the book The social limits to growth: security and insecurity aspects of home ownership (Horsewood & Neuteboom, 2006). The second was a qualitative research approach which focused on households¡¦ perceptions within their own country framework. The main aim of the research was to clarify the extent to which home ownership provides households with security or insecurity. The fruits of this study are presented in the remainder of this book.
SC09-353 Urbanism Laboratory for Cities and Regions: Progress of Research Issues in Urbanism 2007.
  F. D. van der Hoeven/ 9781586037994/ Price:EUR 50.00
The conditions of urban development are currently changing radically. Technological transformations such as automation and robotisation in industrial production are leading to new operating conditions for businesses and employees. New transportation and distribution systems are changing the scale and flow patterns of the urban agglomerations. The effects of the general application of information and communication technologies in everyday life are barely to overlook. Globalisation and internationalisation as well as the processes of European unification have led to increasing competition between urban agglomerations on European and world scales. On the other hand, the social contrasts within these agglomerations are growing. World-wide environmental problems, the necessity for a more efficient use of energy and natural resources as well as a limitation of CO2 emissions mean that we have to make adaptations to our urban structures and building fabric.
SC09-351 Changing Neighbourhoods: Lessons from the JRF Neighbourhood Programme.
  Taylor, Marilyn/ 9781861349774/ Price:GBP 17.99
This report shares the experience of a four-year programme that was set up to explore how neighbourhood activity could best be supported. It follows the progress of twenty very different neighbourhood organisations across three countries to explore the opportunities and challenges of neighbourhood renewal from a community perspective. As well as testing out 'light touch' ways of offering support to community organisations, it explores how different policies are working out on the ground, what it is realistic to expect of local residents and what needs to happen at agency level in order to address the 'implementation gap'.
SC09-351 London Voices, London Lives: Tales from a Working Capital.
  Hall, Peter/ 9781861349835/ Price:GBP 26.99
London Voices, London Lives addresses a question of great current importance for urban policy: what kind of a place is London in the early 21st century, and how does it differ significantly - economically, socially, culturally, in quality of life - from other parts of urban Britain? It addresses these questions in a unique way: over one hundred ordinary Londoners, interviewed in their homes in eight areas across London and the surrounding region, provide their own answers in their own voices.
SC09-351 Rediscovering Mixed-Use Streets: The Contribution of Local High Streets to Sustainable Communities.
  Jones, Peter/ 9781861349859/ Price:GBP 16.99
Local urban high streets have frequently suffered from neglect in comparison to town centres and out-of-town retail. Yet they have the potential to meet contemporary policy aspirations with regard to sustainability, social inclusion and place making. Rediscovering mixed-use streets is the first in-depth investigation of local mixed-use high streets. Drawing on case-studies in three different locations in England, the report provides a wealth of data and findings produced from a variety of sources, both quantitative and qualitative.
SC09-344 Synergy in Polycentric Urban Regions: Complementary, Organising Capacity and Critical Mass.
  Meijers, Evert/ 9781586037246/ Price:EUR 38.00
In understanding and explaining the functioning of cities, contemporary urban and regional studies attribute great significance to relationships between cities. This book focuses on relationships between cities in polycentric urban regions (PURs), which are regions containing proximate but distinct cities that are rather similar in size. This book explores whether there are synergies between cities in PURs. In doing so, several widespread assumptions with respect to PURs are questioned. Do cities constituting a PUR increasingly complement each other? Does a PUR provide a similar critical mass for supporting amenities as a monocentric city region? Does a network model of spatial organisation describe the spatial-functional structure of PURs more accurately than a central place model? The author develops theories on synergy in PURs and clarifies related concepts such as complementarity, regional organising capacity and critical mass. Drawing on empirical evidence from PURs in North West Europe, particularly the Randstad, it appears that PURs are often far from being more than the sum of the parts.
SC09-344 What Makes a City? Planning for 'Quality of Place': The Case of High-Speed Train Station Area Redevelopment.
  Trip, Jan J./ 9781586037161/ Price:EUR 72.00
Urban quality is generally considered increasingly important for urban competitiveness. Nevertheless, large urban redevelopment schemes often fail to provide sufficient quality from a user¡¦s perspective. This study therefore investigates the role of urban quality in large-scale urban redevelopment, which is here elaborated in terms of Richard Florida¡¦s concept of quality of place. In a number of extensive case studies, it focuses on prestigious redevelopment projects around the high-speed rail stations in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Lille. It provides an analysis of the role of urban quality in the development of these projects, as well as some insights in the applicability of quality of place in a wider Dutch context. In addition, the study advocates a more open and flexible planning process, based on a distinctly long-term perspective on urban quality.
SC09-344 Shanghai Pudong: Urban Development in an Era of Global-Local Interaction.
  Chen, Yawei/ 9781586037475/ Price:EUR 72.00
This publication concerns large-scale urban area development in general, and in particular with gaining an understanding of the role played by global-local interaction in shaping the area development strategies in one particularly explosive urban project, the development of Shanghai¡¦s Pudong New Area. The Pudong development provides an extreme example of a situation in which interaction between global and local forces took place in a location whose boundaries had been closed to the outside world for almost forty years and in a period when doors and windows were beginning to open. The research led to a concrete interpretation of the tensions developing at district level and provided an example capable of representing the complexity and dynamics of current area developments. The practical question addressed by the research was: What were the main factors responsible for the speed achieved by the Pudong development? The associated theoretical question was To what extent did the development of the Pudong New Area reflect the characteristics of a developmental state?
SC09-340 Jigsaw Cities: Big Places, Small Spaces.
  Power, Anne/ 9781861346599/ Price:GBP 72.99
Through a close look at major British cities, using Birmingham as a case study, the book explores the origins of Britain's acute urban decline and sprawling exodus; the reasons why 'one size doesn't fit all' in cities of the future and the potential for smart growth, mixed communities and sustainable cities. Based on live examples and hands-on experience, this extremely accessible book offers a unique 'insider' perspective on policy making and practical impacts. It will attract policymakers in cities and government as well as students, regeneration bodies, community organisations and environmental specialists.
SC09-339 Jigsaw Cities: Big Places, Small Spaces.
  Power, Anne/ 9781861346582/ Price:GBP 25.99
This new book explores Britain's intensely urban and increasingly global communities as interlocking pieces of a complex jigsaw; they are hard to see apart yet they are deeply unequal. How did our major cities become so divided? How do they respond to housing and neighbourhood decay? Jigsaw Cities examines these issues using Birmingham, Britain's second largest city, as a model of pioneering urban order and as a victim of brutal Modernist planning.
SC09-337 Building Sustainable Communities: Spatial policy and Labour Mobility in Post-War Britain.
  Raco, Mike/ 9781861347442/ Price:GBP 77.99
This book uses historical and contemporary materials to document the ways in which policy-makers, in different eras, have sought to use state powers and regulations to create better, more balanced, and sustainable communities and citizens.
SC09-337 Building Sustainable Communities: Spatial Policy and Labour Mobility in Post-War Britain.
  Raco, Mike/ 9781861347435/ Price:GBP 31.99
SC09-337 Contesting Neoliberalism: Urban Frontiers.
  Leitner, Helga/ 9781593853204/ Price:US$ 40.00
Neoliberalism's "market revolution"--realized through practices like privatization, deregulation, fiscal devolution, and workfare programs--has had a transformative effect on contemporary cities. The consequences of market-oriented politics for urban life have been widely studied, but less attention has been given to how grassroots groups, nongovernmental organizations, and progressive city administrations are fighting back. In case studies written from a variety of theoretical and political perspectives, this book examines how struggles around such issues as affordable housing, public services and space, neighborhood sustainability, living wages, workers' rights, fair trade, and democratic governance are reshaping urban political geographies in North America and around the world.
SC09-344 Sustainable Neighbourhood Transformation.
  Gruis, Vincent/ 9781586037185/ Price:EUR 38.00
Urban renewal through the large-scale restructuring of post-war neighbourhoods is a major challenge throughout Europe in the decades ahead. Current urban restructuring programmes in the Netherlands focus on the demolition and replacement of the existing housing stock. The motivation behind this strategy is creating a better social mix between ¡¥poor¡¦ and ¡¥better-off¡¦ households, to improve the general quality of the housing stock and to create a financially viable restructuring programme. The general aim is to improve various aspects of sustainability in urban neighbourhoods. Are demolition and replacement strategies the most effective and efficient way to achieve this objective? In this book, we examine the effects of demolition and replacement strategies on sustainability from different perspectives. An economic perspective: the market position and the value of the neighbourhoods, a social perspective: the levels of social capital and residential stability, and an environmental perspective: the energy efficiency and the use of materials in restructuring strategies.
SC09-344 The Social Limits to Growth: Security and Insecurity Aspects of Home Ownership.
  Horsewood, Nick/ 9781586036997/ Price:EUR 55.00
The majority of Europeans nowadays are owner-occupiers. In countries where this is not yet the case, home ownership is promoted either directly or indirectly by the government, through subsidies, deregulation of the financial markets or phasing out support to the rented sector. Deregulation of national labour markets and changes to the social security system in recent years - partly due to globalization and partly to far-reaching integration in the European Union - have, weakened the links in the traditional triangle of home ownership, labour market and social security. As a result, the current growth in home ownership seems to be creating more risks for individual homeowners and for the society at large. At the same time, home ownership offers new prospects for households to assess their housing career as well as their labour market position and investment opportunities. So, home ownership has both positive as well as negative aspects for individuals and society. The research, on which this book is based, was done as part of the OSIS-project (Origins of Security and Insecurity, the interplay of housing systems with jobs, household structures, finance and social security) and funded by the EU under the 6th framework programme. The research focussed on specific issues, which will give more insight into the security and insecurity aspects of home ownership across Europe and help to understand the relationship between the structural position of home ownership in different European countries.
SC09-342 Health Performance of Housing: Indicators and Tools.
  Hasselaar, Evert/ 9781586036898/ Price:EUR 55.00
Human health is a condition influenced by many aspects: genetic predisposition, food and water, lifestyle, age and the physical and social environment. Outdoor hazards penetrate the house and add to the indoor hazards. The physical housing conditions and also occupant behaviour create health hazards. In maintenance policy and renovation projects, the opportunities to reduce health risks and adapt houses to the health needs of households are not used to their full potential. Health criteria were until recently poorly integrated into sustainable building, and some technical innovations to save energy are associated with health related complaints. Good diagnosis of environmental problems is often a bottleneck for home owners and housing managers. Better insight into health performance qualities and a clear framework and common language can improve health performance. The major question of the project is: What physical parameters and which type of occupancy and behaviour result in exposure to health risk and how can this risk be evaluated and reduced?
SC09-342 Spatial Planning Systems in Western Europe: An Overview.
  Larsson, Gerhard/ 9781586036560/ Price:EUR 72.00
A general trend in our modern society is a growing complexity. It is therefore logical that in most countries there has been a definite tendency to give weight to issues of adapting also the physical space to this complexity and to find methods to do this in an efficient way, giving satisfactory use of land and other natural resources. During the twentieth century we have seen a very active development of legal instruments for this purpose, aimed at steering spatial planning and plan implementation according to the objectives and policies chosen. This book tries to present basic information of how different countries within the chosen area have tried to solve the problem of establishing suitable systems of steering spatial development by means of planning and implementation measures. For this purpose summary descriptions of the connected formal regulations in each country are given in an appendix while a comparative presentation and discussion forms the main text. This will give the interested reader an overview of the current systems in Western Europe, how they have influenced each other but still in many parts differ from each other.
SC09-342 World Heritage Site Olinda in Brazil: Proposals for Intervention.
  Meurs, Paul/ 9781586036928/ Price:EUR 60.00
¡§Olinda was the first major Portuguese urban nucleus in the new lands of America. The cultural roots of the city blossomed through the religious processions, the liturgical manifestations, the Carnival parades, the folkloric expressions and the creations of its artists and popular handicraft makers, both native to the city and coming from outside ¡V all of which contributed to further strengthening its tourist potential. Olinda¡¦s historical centre has the largest concentration of the city¡¦s urban cultural heritage. It consisted of buildings and green areas of an outstanding architectural, historical, archaeological, ethnographic, aesthetic and socio-cultural value. Its 16th century monuments, along with its architectural and urban setting, which bear witness to its 471 years of age, give Olinda the characteristics of a city which is alive and in a continuous evolutionary process. The historical site of Olinda covers the hills and the low areas adjacent to the sea, where the first settlements were established and where the monuments, the centuriesold houses and the narrow, steep and sinuous streets are to be found. Olinda is the most important tourist and cultural attraction of the Brazilian Northeast. In 1982, the Historical Site of Olinda was placed on UNESCO¡¦s World Heritage List, which raised national and international interest in our city. This has contributed to improving its opportunities and economic development, but most of all, to publicizing the immensely rich, diversified and creative cultural production of its inhabitants, revealing Olinda¡¦s hospitable and determined character, historically forged through the encounter and intermingling of peoples from the ¡§four corners¡¨ of the world and in the libertarian struggles that occurred here.¡¨ Luciana Santos, Mayor of Olinda.
SC09-339 Open Design, a Stakeholder-Oriented Approach in Architecture, Urban Planning, and Project Management.
  Binnekamp, Ruud/ 9781586036508/ Price:EUR 88.00
Open Design refers to a stakeholder-oriented approach in Architecture, Urban Planning, and Project Management, as developed by the Chair of Computer Aided Design and Planning of Delft University of Technology. This edition collects the following three volumes on Open Design: Open Design, a Collaborative Approach to Architecture, offers concepts and methods to combine technical and social optimisation into one integrated design process. Open Design and Construct Management, Managing Complex Construction Projects through Synthesis of Stakeholder Interests, offers a new approach to managing complexity by distinguishing best management practices for complex projects involving considerable uncertainty and risk and best practices for straightforward predictable projects. Open Design, Cases and Exercises, enables the reader to become familiar with the decision-oriented design tools of Open Design, and their application in practice.
SC09-337 Urban Transformations and Sustainability: Progress of Research Issues In.
  Rosemann, H. J./ 9781586036034/ Price:EUR 38.00
The contributions presented are reflecting the ongoing efforts to redefine the discipline of urbanism under globally changing conditions. The conditions of urban development are changing rapidly; technological transformations, new transportation and distribution systems, communication technologies, globalisation and environment problems all cause new challenges. The planning of the future no longer can be based on the certainty of programs and conditions. Instead, the planner is confronted with changing conditions and shifting programs. In this framework, more than before, design approaches will be pivotal. Exploratory research, the reflexive exploration of spatial potentials and the integration of design methods in spatial research will become a key issue for the scientific development of the discipline. The Delft University of Technology intensified and enlarged the research in the field of urban transformation and sustainability and new issues and methodological approaches were discussed in order to develop new research collaborations. With this publication, a broader public has the opportunity to deal wit this debate.
Comparing Spatial Features of Urban Housing Markets: Recent Evidence of Submarket Formation in Metropolitan Helsinki and Amsterdam.
  Kauko, T./ 9789040726187/ Price:EUR 25.00
Various location specific attributes contribute to the spatial dynamics of housing markets. This effect may partly be of a qualitative and discontinuous nature, which causes market segmentation into submarkets. The question however is, whether the most relevant partitioning criteria is directly related to the transaction price of to other, socioeconomic, demographic and physical features of the location. Two neural network techniques are used for analysing statistical house price data from Amsterdam and Helsinki. The analytic hierarchy process is used as a supporting technique. With these techniques it is possible to analyse various dimensions of housing submarket formation. The findings show that, while the price and demand factors have increased in importance, supply factors still prevail as key criteria in both cases. The outcome also indicates that the housing market structure of Amsterdam is more fragmented than that of Helsinki, and that the main discriminating housing market features, and the ways they have changed in time, are somewhat different.
Developing Geographic Information Infrastructures: The Role of Information Policies.
  Van Loenen, B./ 9789040726163/ Price:EUR 60.00
Within information societies, information availability is a key issue affecting society¡¦s well being. A geographic information infrastructure (GII) is the underlying foundation of such a society with regards to geographic information. Access to government information policies are important for the availability and successful use of the information and the success of the GII itself. Yet there have been only a few investigations into access policy oriented towards GII developments. This book adds to this perspective. Through the creation of a GII maturity matrix describing the development in GIIs, it presents new insights in the role access policies may play in the development of GIIs. The book provides policy makers with strategy guidelines for GII development, as well as information about which access policy would best promote the use of geographic information. This should result in a GII that is able to perform its appropriate infrastructure function in an information society.
Urban Housing Patterns in a tide of change: Spatial structure and residential property values in Budapest in a comparative perspective.
  Kauko, T./ 9781586036799/ Price:EUR 44.00
The development of the housing markets in different European metropolitan areas is of high interest for the urban development and the real estate markets, which are moving towards globalisation. The Budapest housing market is an ideal candidate for scrutiny from an institutional and evolutionary perspective due to its fragmented nature: different house types, age categories, price levels and micro-locations are found side by side. This is a case ¡¥in between¡¦ Eastern and Western settings, with its own distinctive path dependence ¡V its development pattern does not resemble any other system. The study comprises an innovative economic analysis of the Budapest housing market structure. Applying the self-organising map and the learning vector quantification sheds light on how physical and socio-demographic characteristics, price and regulation are related in this market. Further analysis is carried out using the analytical hierarchy process together with in-depth interviews of experts and a case study of urban renewal in two neighbourhoods using market data. The results are compared with those of a prior study from Helsinki and Amsterdam, as well as with more general theory literature. The results suggest a great difficulty in relating the empirical findings from Budapest to mainstream theory of housing markets.
Communicative Tools in Sustainable Urban Planning And Building.
  Bots, Pieter/ 9789040725951/ Price:EUR 18.00
Scientific and technological progress in the field of sustainable planning and building has been considerable in the 1990¡¦s, the decade following the Brundtland Report. The issue of sustainable development was high on the agenda, and especially the built environment, being responsible for enormous flows of materials, energy and water, was targeted as one of the sectors that could make a substantial contribution to sustainable development. Acknowledging the potential environmental gains that could be made in the built environment, new concepts and technologies for sustainable building and planning have been developed. Despite this progress, however, not much has changed in the day-to-day practice of building and planning: putting the progress into practice is evidently a problem. This book presents the challenge for sustainable planning and building from a communicative point of view. By gearing these tools to the specific culture of the building and planning world the tools are expected to actually make building and planning more sustainable.
Sustainable Solutions for Dutch Housing: Reducing the Environmental Impacts of New And Existing Houses.
  Klunder, Gerda/ 9789040725845/ Price:EUR 25.00
Sustainable housing construction and management has, to date, been primarily based on an intuitive approach. Numerous measures have been formulated to promote sustainable construction and to reduce the environmental impacts of the built environment. However, little is yet known about the extent of the environmental benefits thereof. Moreover, methods and tools are mainly directed to new construction. This publication makes clear that short-term environmental benefits in sustainable housing construction are rather limited. Renewal of the post-war housing stock offers excellent changes for improvement of the environmental performance of housing. With a newly developed method it is proven that renovation causes less environmental impacts than demolition followed by new construction. However, at the same time the usefulness of Life Cycle Assessment for buildings is doubted. This book is particularly interesting for scientists in the field of methods and tools for sustainable construction and management.
Cost Effectiveness of Sustainable Housing Investments.
  De Jonge, Tom/ 9789040725784/ Price:EUR 33.00
In the context of the sustainability of housing, the assessment of interventions in the stock is of primary importance. So, one of the first requirements for a decision support tooi in this field is that it can compare renovation to demolition followed by new construction. In this thesis the model of the Eco-costs/Value Ratio is elaborated for housing in a way that it meets this requirement. The elaboration of this approach connects eco-cost estimating to the traditional economic cost estimating in housing projects. This way, the assessment of the environmental burden of a plan can virtually be executed without extra calculation activities. The model can indicate whether a certain alteration in a building plan, aimed at reducing ecological burden, is cost-effective or not. Application in a case study shows that new construction and renovation need different approaches as to improving their performances in respect of ecological burden.
SC09-437 The City Cultures Reader.
  Miles, Malcolm/ 9780415302456/ Price:GBP 48.99
SC09-337 City Matters: Competitiveness, cohesion and urban governance.
  Boddy, Martin/ 9781861344441/ Price:GBP 27.99
This book provides, in a single volume, a review of the findings of the largest ever programme of cities research in the UK, the Economic and Social Research Council's 'Cities: Competitiveness and Cohesion programme'. Leading experts present the findings of this wide-ranging programme organised around themes of competitiveness, social cohesion and the role of policy and governance.
SC09-337 City matters: Competitiveness, cohesion and urban governance.
  Boddy, Martin/ 9781861344458/ Price:GBP 72.99
This book provides, in a single volume, a review of the findings of the largest ever programme of cities research in the UK, the Economic and Social Research Council's 'Cities: Competitiveness and Cohesion programme'. Leading experts present the findings of this wide-ranging programme organised around themes of competitiveness, social cohesion and the role of policy and governance. The book: ¡P develops our understanding of key processes, issues and concepts critical to cities and urban change; ¡P examines a large body of evidence on a wide range of policy issues at the heart of current debates about the performance of cities and the prospects for urban renaissance. City matters is essential reading for all policy makers, practitioners, analysts and academics with an interest or involvement in urban issues.
Policy Integration in Practice: The Integration of Land Use Planning, Transport and Environmental Policymaking in Denmark, England and Germany.
  Stead, Dominic/ 9789040725418/ Price:EUR 25.00
This is one of the few available texts concerning policy integration of land use planning, transport, and environment policy. A source of information for anyone involved in intersectoral policymaking, as well as a wonderful tool for anyone teaching or studying related courses, like regional planning, transport studies, environmental science and public policy. There are increasing demands for policy integration from a number of areas These are coming at a time when decisionmaking is facing increasing complexity--calls for greater transparancy in decision-making, a stronger role for public participation and more involvement of non-governmental organisations, pressure groups and agencies in the decision making process all make policy integration increasingly difficult, but more compelling to achieve. This book explores the necessary onditions for policy integration to occur, the importance of policy integration in practice, the experiences of policy-makers with policy integration and the mechanics or tools that may help to promote more integrated policy. Attention is particularly directed at the urban-region level. Policy integration in practice aims to provide the reader with a general understanding of the issue of policy integration as well as a detailed understanding of this issue in Denmark, England, and Germany.
Introduction to Sustainable Urban Renewal: CO2 Reduction & the Use of Performance Agreements--Experience from the Netherlands.
  Boon, Claudia/ 9789040725357/ Price:EUR 23.00
As in other European countries, the renewal of post-war housing estates is a major policy issue in the Netherlands. The aim is to upgrade neighbourhoods by means of demolition, renovation of social rented housing and construction of new owner-occupied dwellings. The existing housing stock is a key factor in attaining the greenhouse gas reduction targets in the Kyoto Protocol. This process of renewal will pursue high targets and ambitions as it gets underway in the coming years. It will lead to major interventions in the housing stock and - at the same time - rigorously challenge the market players to make existing dwellings more environmentally-friendly and to develop sustainability in post-war housing. By presenting two case studies this book offers insight into the environmental policies of Dutch housing associations and municipalities. Focusing specifically on the role of performance agreements in realising sustainability ambitions, it also assesses the feasibility of C02 reductions and examines the costs and decision-making processes.
Renewable energy in energy performance regulations: A Challenge for European member states in implementing the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive.
  Berrepoot, Milou/ 9789040725340/ Price:EUR 35.00
This research focuses on the possibilities for combining the introduction of the new or revised energy performance regulations required by the EC Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) with incentives to encourage the use of renewable energy. It reflects the results of the European research project Build-On-RES that studied the track record of possible incentives and developed recommendations for creating synergy between the promotion of renewable energy and the implementation of the EPBD. Both technical solutions as solutions in the context of energy performance regulations have been studied. The results of the research show that the introduction of (reviewed) energy performance regulations can pave the way for, amongst others, extra incentives for renewable energy, such as a ¡¥renewable energy¡¦ accreditation to accompany the energy certificate; or an explicit indication of the share of renewable energy in the output of the energy performance calculation.
High-Rise Housing In Europe: Current Trends and Future Prospects
  Turkington, R./ 9789040724831/ Price:EUR 55.00
Computational Support For The Selection Of Energy Saving Building Components.
  Pieter de Wilde/ 9789040724763/ Price:EUR 46.00
Megacorridors In North West Europe: Investigating A New Transnational Planning Concept
  Zonneveld, Wil/ 9789040724725/ Price:EUR 20.00
This volume is based on a review and a survey among stakeholders which was carried out within the framework of the research project CORRIDESIGN. Starting from the observation that regional economies are intertwined on a European scale, CORRIDESIGN examined whether, to what extent, and in what ways this process towards a network society is spatially linked with the development of cross-border megacorridors between seven large urban regions in North West Europe ¡V the Randstad, the Flemish Diamond, the RheinRuhr area, Lille, Paris, London and the West Midlands. This book makes clear that although the origins of the corridor concept lie in the domain of infrastructure, its meaning extends to such fields as regional economy, urban development and governance. CORRIDESIGN was one of the projects for trans-national co-operation in spatial planning that were executed under the umbrella of the North Western European Area Operational Programme. This Programme was part of INTERREG IIC, a Community Initiative co-financed by the European Commission to promote trans-national co-operation between public bodies and private parties from different countries through projects on both a regional and local level. CORRIDESIGN was carried out by a consortium of seven academic research institutes from the five countries where the megacorridors involved are located.
SC09-459 Health and Community Design: The Impact of the Built Environment on Physical Activity.
  Frank, Lawrence D./ 9781559639170/ Price:US$ 37.00
SC09-100 Hauptstadt Berlin Parlamentsviertel Im Spreebogen.
  Bauwelt/ 9783764328924/ Price:SFR 118.00


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